Category Archives: self improvement

Where Did I Go Wrong?

Last night I had a bit of a meltdown.  It wasn’t full fledged, but it was one of those cases that made me feel completely inadequate.  My youngest son is 17 going on 18 and, like all teenagers, believes he knows everything there is to know about everything.  He’s also not making the best choices for his life and has no sense of responsibility.  In his mind, he does nothing wrong and when things do wrong it’s not his fault.  It’s me, his dad, the teacher, unfair practices, and so on.

Here’s the thing, in my work I teach that we are responsible for our lives and our actions….as a parent, I teach my kids that we are responsible for our lives and our actions.  As I watch my son completely deny these teachings, it results in me to wondering where I went wrong as a teacher and a parent.  It also creates a situation that allows me to view the past as the person I am now.

What I saw was that I wanted to be “normal” and I thought that having a second kid would help me to be normal.  My oldest has autism and life was never “normal” with him.  Plus, as a kid my life was never “normal” either.  I was an overweight child, with curly frizzy hair, and glasses.  I didn’t look like everyone else and because I was shy, I didn’t act like everyone else.  So, the possibility of having a child who was “normal” drew me like a bee to a flower.

Of course, life didn’t turn out the way I expected.  I never experienced that sense of normalcy I craved and I felt terribly guilty for subjecting my youngest child to this life.  He didn’t have it easy because of the demands that were associated with raising his brother.  We went through some really rocky times.

I realized that I was completely ill-equipped to be a parent to these two boys and felt horribly guilty about that.   Simultaneously, I was able to remember that my boys chose their dad and I as their parents, and that even though I didn’t do a great job as a mom, I actually did do the best I could based on who I was mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  I was also reminded that as the kids got older and I got smarter and more emotionally and spiritually balanced, I offered both of my kids the opportunity to see the world differently.  My youngest shunned it completely and my oldest is trying it out in his own way.

I woke up this morning having completely forgotten about last night until I was reading a book that talked about our shadow sides.  The part of us that has the unconscious need  for suffering.  This is part of us that feeds the feelings of guilt, failure, fear, and self-pity.  This is also the side of us that secretly revels in payoffs like anger, resent, fear, etc.

Here’s my point….I felt like a complete failure last night and I could have easily made the choice to hold onto feeling like crap.  I could have indulged in hours and hours of self pity….but for what purpose?  Was I willing to settle for feeling like crap?  Did I want to revel in my guilt or, did I want to learn from the past events?

I chose to learn.  First, I allowed myself to feel and experience the full brunt of my emotions without judging the emotions themselves.  I took a few minutes to do some work on my unconscious belief systems and I prayed for grace.

I still wish my son would make better choices.  I still wish I could have been a better influence on him.  I still wish that I knew how to be a better parent to him….but I’m done beating myself up and I don’t feel guilty about it anymore.

That’s what clearing subconscious limiting beliefs does for you.  It takes the things that have a strong emotional charge attached to them and puts them in neutral.  This allows you to see how they have helped and hindered you as well to learn what it was you needed to learn from them.

It’s from this space that you can up level your life experience.  You’re able to continually grow mentally, spiritually, and emotionally with less and less suffering attached.  You are able to have more of what you want in your life without feeling like you have to be worthy of having it…or feeling like there’s something wrong with you if you don’t have it yet.

This is the core of the Divine Opulence Program.  To help you clear your limiting beliefs and get you on solid ground so you can actually have more of what you want out of life.  This self-study program will be released on Monday, January 26th and will help you to:

  •  learn how to start asking for more without feeling guilty or like you don’t deserve to have something better.
  •  leave behind belief systems that keep you attached to poverty consciousness and lack mentality.
  • discover the truth about just how abundant the Universe actually is and how you can tap into it with ease.
  •  discover the keys to accepting Divine Timing with ease.
  •  get aligned and in resonance with being able to actually receive what you are asking for.

Are you ready to stop feeling wrong about your life and your choices?

Remember, you are not your story and you are not your emotions.  You are a human being who is Divine at the Core….

Much love and abundant blessings,

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Filed under angels, emotions, law of attraction, parenting, personal development, self help, self improvement, self-esteem, Spirituality

Do You Want Your Sexy Back?

If you’ve been following my recent blogposts, you already know that I’ve been coming out of the closet and sharing more and more of who I am.  Well, I’m doing it again today.  I have this superpower that very few people know about.  I am really good at helping people get their sexy back.  For some, this means improving their sex life exponentially, for others, it means finding the magic in the mundane.  For me personally, it’s about being me, all of me….without apology.

For example I went to the gas station the other day and the guy who waited on me was a hoot.  (I live in New Jersey…Jersey Girls & Guys don’t pump their own gas LOL).  Anyway, the gas station attendant was quite “attentive”.  He was talking to me the entire time we were waiting for my car to fill up…and even though I didn’t fully engage, I didn’t ignore him either.

Part of my “sexy” is knowing when someone’s words or actions don’t quite line up with their energy.  This guy was really friendly, but something was off (and not in the creepy serial killer kind of way).  As the attendant was finishing up, I saw his name tag and said, “You know, your name is the same name as one of my favorite angels.”  Everything in his energy field stopped and the man really focused on me.  “Really?”, he said.  And I replied, “Yes.  Your name is Michael and Archangel Michael is the Angel of Protection.”  With that, I could literally see this man’s mask and false persona drop away.  With all seriousness and maybe a hint of sadness he told me that that’s what he does.  He tries to protect everyone so they can be happy and I shared that I knew that to be so.  It was such an amazing, vulnerable moment and I saw his first real smile.  How does it get more beautiful than that?

When you have your sexy back….you enjoy being yourself.  You become accepting of all of you.  You magnetize tons of fun and enjoyable experiences.  You find the magic in the mundane.  PLUS, you can make more money, you can have better relationships, and you can have amazing sex whether you have a partner or not, if that’s what you want.

Would you like to have more of that?  I’m inviting you to join me for a free google hangout on September 29 at 8pm est (NY).  I’ll be sharing some of the ways that I’ve cleared the crap and got my sexy back.

Don’t worry if you can’t make it live, I’ll be sending out the recording…but only if you’ve registered.

Register here now….

I’m looking forward to “seeing” you on the 29th!  We are going to have lots of fun!

Much love and abundant blessings,

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Where Did The Time Go? And, A Message From The Angels

Whoa!  I’m sitting at my computer and I’m trying to get caught up on a few things….one which is channeling the Angel Messages for the upcoming week so I can get them over to my amazing assistant in time for her to schedule them to go out.  I pulled up the calendar to see what days I needed to connect to and finally realized that Monday is the first day of September and that one little thing had me judging the crap out of myself.  I promised me that I would have the monthly ezine up and running for September and I don’t.  It wants to be a little different and I haven’t quite gotten clear enough on what that looks like yet. 

So then I decided to tap into the judgment to see exactly what it’s all about and I laughed.  One of the things I teach my clients and actually live by, is you can create things to be the way you want them.  I created my business to be flexible and I was judging me for not sticking to a strict timeline.  Yes, sometimes structure and deadlines are what make things easier and more effective…and sometimes going with the flow is what’s called for.

My questions to you are these:

  • Where are you keeping yourself stuck in a routine that no longer works for you? 
  • Why are you still following a routine that’s not working for you?
  • Can you change it? 
  • How can you change it?
  • What is one step you can take today (even a tiny one) that will help you to create something that works better for you?

That’s what I did today and it showed me a ton of possibilities that I could choose instead.  Sometimes just knowing there are other options (even if you don’t like the options) is enough to create a brand new perspective and bring in a whole new energy. 

Sound good?  Awesome!  Give it a try and let me know how it worked out for you.

If you’re having a hard time with that, then click here to set up a Soul Archaeology session and we can start changing things for you immediately. 

And, if you read below, you’ll see that I had a chat with Angels to see if they had anything they wanted to share with you and they did. 

Enjoy your week.  Give yourself a break and remember, you are loved.

Much love and abundant blessings,

PS:  I have some fun stuff scheduled over the next month.  Click here to check them out.

Magical Message from the Angels for September

September represents new beginnings and new energies.  It affords you the opportunity for a new start.  If there are changes you’d like to make in your life, now is the time to get them started.  We want to remind you that change doesn’t all have to be done at once.  You can look at the target you have in mind and take small steps to help get you there. 

Humans tend to forget the value of the small steps.  You are so used to instant gratification that you forget there is value in taking things at a slow but steady pace.  You experience so much more and learn so much more than by rushing through things unconsciously.  Taking things slow affords you the opportunity to discover even more new things…you may learn about things you don’t like and you may learn about things that you actually like better and would rather have than what you were originally aiming for.

 You’re so afraid to change your minds about things.  You were taught that changing your mind too often is flaky and irresponsible.  Yes, it can be that at times, but it can also be a reflection of you and how fast your energy is changing and, therefore, exactly what’s required in the moment?  When you find yourself changing your mind often, ask yourself about it.  Ask if you are changing your mind because you are somehow out of alignment with your target?  For example, do you really want what you’re aiming for?  Do you feel it’s unattainable on some level?  Is now the right time to be going for it?  Or, are you actually changing your mind to avoid taking action for a reason that doesn’t serve you?  Be honest with yourself and drop all the stories you’ve heard about how you can never make a decision and that you change your mind too much.   

Please remember that times are different now.  You are not the same person you were yesterday and you’re not the same person you were 20 years ago.  It’s time to start operating from the person you actually are in this moment and that person can do and be so much more than you previously believed.

We love you always in all ways.
With infinite love and joy,
~The Angels~

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Filed under releasing fear, self improvement, self-esteem

Who Are You Being?

I have a confession to make.  I have been lying to myself…and to you…for a long, long time.  If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say I’ve been lying to myself (and, therefore, everyone else) for more than 40 years.

You see, it all started back in the 70’s when I had a huge crush on Donny Osmond.  I would sing “Go Away Little Girl” and “Puppy Love” for hours….and yes, my hairbrush was my microphone.  I’d daydream about Donny magically finding me in my home at the end of the block and declaring his undying love for me and we’d live happily ever after.  I would stare at his picture while making up stories about how perfect our life together would be and read and re-read the articles written about him in Tiger Beat Magazine. 

One day, I decided that if I really wanted him to find and love me, I had to start showing him how perfect I was for him.  I wrote hundreds of letters (all unmailed because I was too scared to actually send them) explaining why I was his perfect match.

Now, back in the day, Donny was known for his love of purple and always wore purple socks.  So, if Donny was ever going to return my undying love for him, I Knew that I had to become a purple lover.  I always liked purple, but it wasn’t my favorite color…until I declared it to be on that fateful day. 

Of course, Donny never found me and I moved onto bigger and better things like Shawn Cassidy, Leif Garrett, Scott Baio and eventually Jon Bon Jovi.  Oh, and The Rock, I can’t forget Duane the Rock Johnson…and L.L. Cool J and Tom Cruise for a little while and….well, you get the picture.  LOL

Back to favorite colors….so I never got my “happily ever after” with Donny, but I had grabbed onto the purple persona so tightly that it stayed with me for years.  I remember being in high school and noticing that most of the girls I hung around with said purple was their favorite color.  I held tight to my secret that it wasn’t actually mine because  I wanted to fit in….I wanted to be who these people wanted me to be.  I thought that was who I was supposed to be. 

When David created my first website, it was mostly green with a touch of purple because I thought those were the colors a professional healer was supposed to have.  I don’t know why.  I also remember telling him that purple was my favorite color…the habit was so ingrained that I actually forgot it wasn’t. 

This all may sound silly to you, but I really wanted to share with you how lying to ourselves about one small thing, pretending we like something that we don’t, trying to fit ourselves into someone else’s mold so they’ll like us can haunt us forever. 

Today, I’m asking you to look at your life.  Where are you doing something similar…even if it’s in a small way?  Take notice of it, acknowledge it, and make the choice to at least be honest with yourself.  As for me, well, I’ve been slowly but surely embracing my actual favorite color….Pink…but not just any old pink…what I love is big, bold FUSCHIA. 

Have an awesome week!

Much Love and Abundant Blessings,


PS  If you feel like you could use some help in embracing your true self, I can help.  Schedule a Soul Archaeology Session here.


Filed under angels, fear, happiness, healing, Inspiration, joy, Love, magic, relationships, releasing fear, self improvement, Spirituality, Uncategorized

Will You Choose to Rise Up?

Things have been quite interesting in my life lately.  I made a demand of myself to be, do, and have more.  More what?  More joy, more love, more money, more fun, more ease, more Me.  The Universe heard and I’m now smack dab in a whirlwind of craziness.

I was gifted with an amazingly powerful healing modality that is changing people’s lives…mine included.  Basically, during the process, you reclaim your power and yourself and banish unsupportive energies.  It’s quite empowering. 

Here’s the thing, when you ask for change, when you ask to be more of You, when you ask to be more Powerful (we’re talking Divine Power…not overpowering other people)… shakes things up in your world.  A good part of the new age, spiritual, and self-help community likes to make this sound all flowery and pretty because ultimately, you end up in a better place when the smoke clears…but they don’t tell you there’s going to be a lot smoke and fire.  On the one hand, I can understand why…how many people who are already slugging through the quagmire of shit will choose to trade the one they know for a new quagmire of shit?  How many of them are actually going to believe they can get to the other side and experience beauty, peace, love, and joy in ways they never could have imagined?

For those of us who bought into the promises that peace, ease, and joy would be ours just by changing our thoughts, the truth of personal and spiritual growth can be quite disheartening.  We don’t understand how much of our lives can actually fall apart before we get to the other side.  The concept of “something better” is just that, a concept.  We have no clue of just how much is not supporting us and when we’re in the middle of the new shit storm, we question ourselves, our faith, our beliefs, and we think we did something wrong. 

I’ve lived through many periods of feeling like I’ve failed at spirituality and personal growth.  I’ve lived through many times of thinking I must have done something wrong because no one explained establishing faith and growing could be so hard and painful….but here’s the deal….when they talk about the other side…they’re not lying.  When you move through the shit storm and come out the other side you are so much more You…life is way more beautiful…and more things come to you with ease….until you decide to ask for more again.  We’re human, we’re always going to want more of something…even if it’s not specifically for you…even if it’s peace on earth…to feed the hungry….to stop animal cruelty.  In order to achieve these goals, the current foundations must crumble so they can be rebuilt.  We can’t rebuild onto the current foundations because they are simply not strong enough to support and sustain the new.

I’m laughing at myself right now.  Why?  Because I’m going through some major challenges that are requiring me to be more of me (just like I asked), they are requiring me to have more of me (just like I asked), and for me to do more as I would if I were being me (just like I asked).  At times I’m reduced to a puddle of tears, at others, I’m yelling at the heavens…I ask myself what I did wrong….but underneath it all, I don’t mean any of it.  It’s all simply my way of releasing stuff that’s not supporting me in being the best me that I can.  The real irony of it all, is that it coincides with me sharing this powerful new Soul Archaeology process called Reclamation of Power. 

I know the process works because I’m watching my clients rise up and explode into amazing new beings with amazing new lives.  I know the process works because every single time I try to be a victim, I can’t…at least not for long.  I try to blame other people for my current challenges and I can’t.  I try to blame spirit for not giving me a heads up beforehand, and I can’t.  Why?  Because it’s all a lie.  I know that I’m creating this situation in conjunction with the Universe so I can be, do, and have more…more of me.  It’s a big demand and, therefore, requires big changes.  When I ask for smaller things, the shift usually is less dramatic….but then again, it depends on how attached I am to what I’m being asked to change. 

Years ago, this change would have taken months…or maybe even years before I surrendered to what’s going on…that is, if I was able to surrender.  Now, I go through phases that generally last no more than 24 hours.  I’m no longer afraid to ask for prayers and support from my community….some teachers are afraid to ask to because it makes them appear weak and less than perfect.  Not me, I’d rather practice what I preach.  We have support available to us from a multitude of resources and there is no shame in asking for help.  Plus, I’d rather be real and live by example than pretend to be what I’m not.  Life happens.  Shit happens.  In the end, you have two choices.  You can either to choose to stay stuck in the quagmire or Rise Up and move forward….even when it’s hard.

  I choose to Rise Up.

 What’s your choice?


Much love and abundant blessings,

Robin-Signature       If your choice is to Rise Up and you’d like some help, schedule a                                                     Soul Archaeology session now.


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A Thank You Prayer

Thank you God.
Thank you Spirit.
Thank you Universe.
Thank you Angels and all my Guides for giving me these gifts
As well as teaching me how to use them with integrity, honor, and grace.
I am deeply humbled.

Much love and abundant blessings,

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Filed under angels, happines, healing, Inspiration, joy, Love, self improvement, Spirituality

Daily Angelic Message 10/9/13

Your angels never stop speaking to you….even if you don’t listen to them.

With infinite love and joy,
~The Angels~

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Angelic Energy Forecast for October 2013

Note from Robin:

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but the tone of the angelic forecasts seems to be changing a bit.  The Angels’ speech seems to be getting a little more formal and they are not beating around the bush when they deliver information.  They feel very different to me.  When I asked why, they explained that they are The Elders.  They are still Angels, just a different vibration of Angels.  They are different than the Archangels and are sort of a subsection from the Angels I generally channel.  The energetic forecasts and daily messages are channeled from a group of Angels who call themselves the Lemurian Angels.  The group who is coming through now is still very loving but they also have the energy of a Wizened Old Man (and Woman).   I find it all very ummm, interesting.


Angelic Energy Forecast for October 2013 

Welcome Dear Ones, It is our honor and our pleasure to greet you today.  The month you call October is going to be a very special month.  There will be many planetary and astrological occurrences that will aide you in your Spiritual growth.  The most well known occurrence is Mercury Retrograde.  We ask that you not greet this time with fear and that you do see it for its true meaning.  Mercury Retrograde is meant as a time for you to slow down and go within.  Review the areas of your life that are not working for you optimally and ask to be shown how to change them with ease and under grace.  It’s a time for you to remember which events and life experiences are still in need of healing.  Once you are aware of this information, you can then take the steps required to release the ties they have on you and move forward without those burdens.  May we remind you that our Brother Michael can help you cut the ties that bind and help you to move on without fear?

You will be given many opportunities this month to let go of habitual reactions that no longer serve you.  We ask that rather than judge your reactions and emotions, you view them as though you are an observer of a play.  Notice what is going on and rather than get upset or angry about your reactions, try saying “That’s interesting”…and move on.  Habitual reactions are not always easy to let go of, but they do not have to be hard to release either.  Remember, we are here to help you.  That is our job and we do not tire of you asking for help.  No job is too big or too small for us.  We are able to be in all places at all times and complete an infinite number of tasks simultaneously.

There will also be many opportunities for you to step into and experience the energy of abundance and prosperity this month.  Please take the time to energetically weigh the opportunities available to you.  Ask us to help you see where you are missing out on wonderful opportunities due to fear or possibly feelings of unworthiness.  You’ve been asking for something new, be careful that you are not turning it away for the wrong reasons.

This will be a very active month energetically, spiritually, and emotionally.  More light energy is coming through which is ultimately a good thing.  However, it usually causes many things (relationships, business, institutions, etc) which are not in alignment with it to shake up and sometimes collapse.  We ask you again, to be mindful of this and do your best to not go into fear.  We are here to support you and want you to know that when these foundations are rebuilt, they will be much stronger and more stable than they were previously.

We suggest that you use this month as a time to spend more time in prayer and meditation.  Ground daily, cut your energetic chords daily, and be in nature as much as possible.  These are all ways for you to maintain your connection to us so that you can be aware of the Truth and not go into fear because of what the physical world around you may look like.

Many of you will navigate your personal changes easily but may dabble in fear based energies because of friends, family, co-workers etc who appear to be having a more difficult time.  They are having a more difficult time only because they are going through a growth spurt.  In other words, there are lessons and experiences their souls contracted to have and they are still in the process of mastering them.  It is not because they have “bad karma” or “bad luck”.  We often wonder why you feel that karma or luck could be judged as good or bad but that is something for another time.

We send you much love and courage for your journey.  So many of you fear change, even when change the change is for your benefit yet things always work out in the end if you allow it.

We love you always in all ways.

With Infinite Love and Joy,

~The Angels~

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Filed under angels, fear, happines, healing, Inspiration, joy, Love, self improvement

Daily Angelic Message for 9/8/13

Do one thing today that’s only purpose is to please you…just you.  Don’t worry about it being at the expense of others…you’re too heart centered for that to be the case.

With infinite love and joy,
~The Angels~

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Daily Angelic Message for 8/19/13

You know that one thing that you don’t do because if you did it would create more change and expansion than you could possibly imagine and it scares the heck of you? Yes, that one…it’s time.  Do it now.  

With infinite love and joy,
~The Angels~

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