Tag Archives: Online Communities

Excuse Me While I Find My Voice

The Universe (which in my mind is actually my soul speaking to me) has been hmmm, encouraging me to write.  Now, I have to admit, I don’t really like writing.  When I’m passionate about something, I have a lot to say, but when I’m doing something because it needs to be done…I can’t seem to find that passion.

I write for three magazines, so this can be a bit of an issue (pun intended).  Here’s the thing though, I don’t have as much of a problem when writing for my blog.  I write when I have something to say, and don’t when I don’t.  The other thing is when I write for my blog, I write as I speak.  The grammar isn’t always perfect, I allow myself to use slang, and I speak more from my heart as opposed to my head.

This brings me to the title of today’s blog.  I’ve been in the process of finding my voice.  My business background rears its ugly head at the most inopportune times….like when I’m writing.  Who says that I have to sound like my high school English teacher when I write an article?  That’s not the way I speak when talking to friends, family, and clients.

I’ve been working at becoming more authentic with myself and I plan on leaving no stone unturned.  It will be interesting to see how this pans out.  Bottom line is if my soul wants to speak, it’s using my mind and personality to do so…and in using my mind and personality it’s going to use my words and my voice.

Since I’m using my voice now, it’s time for me to plug the magazines I write for and a few other things.

Please check out these free online spiritual/metaphysical magazines.  There are some wonderful articles in these ezines every month….and don’t forget to check out my articles.  🙂

Metaphysical Monthly


Spiritual Conversations


Conscious Inspired Living


If you haven’t joined my facebook page and aren’t following me on Twitter, please click on the links to the right and do so.  If you’re not a subscriber to this blog, I’d appreciate it if you would subscribe.  You never know what I’m going to write about and neither do I.

One more “advertisement” and I’m outta here for now.  I’m taking part in something called Tarot on Tuesdays.  It consists of myself and two other intuitives where each week one of the three readers will answer one question posted to the IntuitiveGoddess facebook page.  This gives you the opportunity to not only get a question answered, but also to see how each of the three readers work.  If this sounds like something you’d like to follow or participate in, follow this link and “like” the page.


As always, I am grateful to you for listening…okay, reading…my ramblings.

Blessings and peace as you each work at finding your voice and living your authenticity.

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Filed under fear, healing, humor, Inspiration, intuitive, Reiki, releasing fear, self improvement, Spirituality, tarot, Uncategorized