Tag Archives: angels

Let’s talk about Mercury retrograde.  Mercury retrograde starts on January 21, 2015 and ends on February 11, 2015. For many people who are on the spiritual path or live in the new age world Mercury retrograde puts fear in their hearts.  However, people who actually study astrology they see Mercury retrograde as more of an opportunity for information and as an opportunity to revisit and redo something.  And, believe it or not, there are people who don’t notice the effects of Mercury retrograde at all.

Rasta Angel 1

So what’s the deal with Mercury retrograde?  First of all, I’m not an astrologer and I don’t study astrology but I seem to know a little bit about a lot of things.  Mercury retrograde being one of them.  So here’s the deal, Mercury is the God of communication (spoken and written) and travel.  This is a lot of what affected by retrograde…..keep in mind that things like contracts (mortgages, divorce papers, receipts, etc) are considered part of communication.


Yes, Mercury is very powerful energy and it is going to have an effect on the universal energies.  But it doesn’t have to stop your world and it doesn’t have to throw everything into an uproar.


With that in mind, when you’re traveling, when you’re communicating, when you’re interacting with other people in any way, and when you’re dealing with electronic or mechanical equipment it’s just a good idea to really be present and pay attention to what’s going on and when you do have travel, allow for some extra time. Look at your calendar and see if your scheduled to sign any contracts.   If so, pay strict attention to detail.


Our lives don’t stop during retrograde even it may feel that way to some.


Make sure your vehicle is in working order double check your flight, and your travel arrangements before retrograde starts. This way, if you are traveling during retrograde you’ll be less affected by the energies. Think before you speak. Re-read your emails.  No it’s not a great time to sign a contract to make a huge purchase like a car or a house but sometimes you don’t have a choice.  Be extra mindful of the details.  Go over everything with a fine tooth comb. Understand that there is the possibility because of the overarching energy, you might have to revisit the sales agreement.


This isn’t about being fearful of the energy, it’s about being mindful of the energy.


Let’s talk about how you can use Mercury Retrograde to your advantage.


Mercury retrograde brings up everything that starts with RE.  For example, Refocusing, Revitalizing, Reviewing, Renewing, Re-establishing, Remodeling, Rearranging, Re-organizing, Remembering, Recalling, Re-acting, Re-inventing…and yes, some things slow down.  Yes some things repeat.


Look at this as an opportunity to get realigned with your goals and targets.  It’s an opportunity to revisit your priorities as well as an opportunity to see where you can react out of habit.  Go within and rediscover yourself and get realigned with you.


Practically speaking, we don’t always pay attention to when we’ve backed up our computers last or when our last oil change was.  Consider Mercury Retrograde to be a reminder to check into that.


Mercury retrograde gets a really bad rap.  A lot of people want to hide under the covers and runaway. The fact of the matter is that planets are always moving around there’s always something going into retrograde there’s always something going on in the world and all it affects the universal energies.


Don’t be fearful, be mindful.


Much love and abundant blessings,



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Daily Angelic Message for 7/1/14

Things don’t always turn out the way you’d like them to….but in the long run, you can usually see how your life changed for the better as a result….that is, as long as you don’t get stuck in the “I didn’t get what I want” stuff…..
With infinite love and joy,
~The Angels~

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Daily Angelic Message for 8/5/13

Physical pain and dis-ease are your body’s way of letting you know something is out of alignment or in discord.  Ask to clearly be shown what it is that needs to be brought back into harmony so that you can have ease with your body again.  Remember to watch for the answer to show up over the next few days.

With infinite love and joy,
~The Angels~

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Dreams Do Come True

I’d like to share a personal experience which I truly hope will be a contribution to you.  One of the healing modalities I incorporate into my work as a healer is Access Consciousness.  Access Consciousness creates space, lightness, and possibility through carefully worded questions and something called a clearing statement. (You can learn more about Access Consciousness at:  www.accessconsciousness.com or http://www.dainheer.com).  I have to admit that the first time I heard Access Consciousness in use I thought it was nuts and certainly not effective……. until I realized just how effective it really is.  This is the work that actually started me on the road to true self-acceptance.

Having said that, I’ve always wanted to work with the co-founder of Access, Dr. Dain Heer.  Dain focuses a lot on body and health which has always been an issue for me and the fact that he’s kind of cute and very charismatic doesn’t hurt either…LOL.

A little backstory:  I’ve been struggling with weight issues all my life.  I remember being in grade school when the Scarsdale Diet was popular (I’m really dating myself here) and bringing crazy food combinations to lunch because I was fat and needed to lose weight.  I’ve been to Geneen Roth seminars, Overeaters Anonymous, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and more.  The pain of losing weight only to gain it back again is horrible every single times it happens.  Now, here’s the kicker….I was looking through pictures of myself as a young child recently and I do see how chubby I was….but then I saw pictures of me from around age 11 on through high school and something changed.  I certainly wasn’t a size 2, or even 6….but I wasn’t morbidly obese either.  When I see the girl in those pictures, she looks like a “normal” or average size.  This completely puzzled me because at the time I was still being told I was fat.  The other part of this is that my body shape is more of a throw back to 40’s and 50’s.  I have an hour class figure and no matter small I am (and believe me, I’ve gotten really small), I always have curves and boobs….the clothes that were in style when I was growing up did not allow for that.

By now, you’re probably saying “Get to the point, Robin”.  So my point is, that I’ve been working on my weight issue for my entire life and only just recently realized that I have created my body to be today….what I thought it looked like as a child/teenager/young adult.  OMG!  Really?  This realization only occurred yesterday morning when during my angel gathering a friend who also has weight issues said it about herself. (Thank you for the timely insight, Angels!)

So last year, when Debbie Dachinger of Dare to Dream Radio was talking to David (my Bohemian Soulmate) and she told him that she had the opportunity to work one on one with Dain and it was absolutely wonderful, I made a vow and demand to the Universe that I was going to work one on one with Dain too.  When the opportunity for me to work with him arose, I realized two things…it didn’t show up in the way I expected and I should have included that I wanted to work with him in person.  LOL

I got to work with Dain last night on Debbie’s show.  It was amazing.  I prayed for the greatest change possible in the short amount of time I had. Dain did not disappoint.  He hit on something that was so profound I thought my head was going to explode.  As a matter of fact, it showed me how I not only did this with my weight, but with other areas of my life too (including my money flows).  

So, if I haven’t bored the heck out of you by now…I included the link to the show below… my suggestion is to listen to the entire show.  While I’m the first caller (and a I have to admit I was a little star struck), the other two callers had completely different body issues and all the processes and insights Dain shared were relevant to the body stuff I deal with too.  

Click here to listen.

Like I said my friends…dreams do come true.  It was my dream to work with Dain and I did.  What else is possible for me and you?

Much love and abundant blessings,


Filed under Spirituality

Daily Angelic Message for 4/6/13

Surrender and acceptance are not the same as giving up.  Instead they ask you to change your perspective, stop fighting what is, and allow for new situations, experiences and ways of doing things to show up.  When you take the “fight” out of things, the energy softens and possibilities arise.

With infinite love and joy,
~The Angels~

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Angelic Energy Forecast for April 2013

This month we would like to remind you to engage the beauty of life.  Too many of you have lost yourself in difficulty, in the need for ascension, and even the desire to heal.  One of the most effective ways to heal is by noticing life’s daily miracles.  We are not denying that your human-ness creates struggle, however, it also allows for you to see the other side of the coin.  Get outside and connect with nature.  We’ve been encouraging Robin to do this by engaging the help of the fairies.  They’ve been all around her and they have helped her to remain connected even through the cold dreary days.  We’ve also engaged the help of Mother Mary.  Mother Mary is a compassionate and loving being who is always able to see the beauty in life during difficult times.  Connect with her energy and allow it to transport you to gentleness, ease, and beauty.  Connecting with the fairies and Mother Mary will give you the support you require for your journey this month. 

You are constantly being asked to be more authentic, open, and vulnerable.  This is absolutely necessary for the current times and as you move into the future energies.  People recognize inauthenticity in others whether they understand that’s what it is or not. You will notice the more open and honest you are with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, the more people will want to be around you.  For those of you who are not particularly fond of being around people, don’t let this scare you.  You can still choose to be around only a select few, but you will discover that it’s easier to find the people who harmonize with the truth of who you are instead of those who annoy you.

Back to the beauty of life….let yourself enjoy the clouds, the wind, and even the rain.  Let yourself see and embrace the silver linings through your confusion and challenges.  Spend some time laughing at how much your plans always seem to go awry.  You humans love your plans and rather than enjoying and acknowledging the gifts of skewed plans, you get uptight, upset, and angry.  Let go and Let God (or the Angels or whatever you call your Divinity).  Give yourself some breathing space…and notice all the beauty that you’ve been missing.  You can take a break.  You do not need to work so hard.  Life will happen no matter what you do and while you can plan for the future, it changes moment by moment based on your actions and your thoughts.  Plan for the future, but be open to the possibilities.  That’s how you allow the beauty to show up.

Breathe in the beauty.  Be kind to yourself.  Play with the fairies, puppies, kittens, etc.  Invite Mother Mary in to bless you and have FUN!  We are here for you if you need us.  All you have to do is ask for our help.  We love you always, in all ways.

With infinite love and joy,

~The Angels~


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A Message of Thanksgiving

In honor of Thanksgiving, rather than channeling a message from the angels, I chose to honor them and the Divine by sending out a prayer to them.  I would also like to thank all of you who have been reading the daily messages from the angels.  I deeply appreciate you and the energy you bring to this blog.  Thank you.  ~Robin~

Dear God and Angels,

Thank you for all the gifts you have given me.  I may not always like or enjoy them, but I know that my soul has asked to receive these gifts and I gratefully accept them whether they bring me joy, personal growth, or both.

Thank you for always being there whether I recognize you or not.  

Thank for the gift of Faith and for helping me to be understanding with myself and others.

Thank you for your unwavering love for it is that which helps me to love myself and others.



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Daily Angelic Message for 11/14/12

Challenge your beliefs regularly.  Are they limited in any way shape or form?  Expand your thoughts, mind, and awareness by inviting in the unlimited possibilities.

With infinite love and joy,
~The Angels~

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November Angelic Forecast 2012

November will be a month of adaptability and change.  We understand that for many this no different than what you have been previously experiencing, however, many of you are still fighting the tides and not adapting.  Your world is changing.  The fact that it is changing cannot be controlled, how it changes can be.

We’d like to bring your attention to recent storms in the Northeastern United States.  There has been a huge loss of property and life.  We are deeply saddened by this but even more so by what we see happening.  The work that is being done out of love by so many is being overshadowed by the work that is being done out of fear by others.  There have been fights at stores and gas stations, complaints about inconveniences and the looting and the crime by those who don’t understand that this is not the highest way….we have no words to properly describe how this makes us feel for you…

This is why we speak of adaptability.  We understand that many have a difficult time with the word surrender.  You seem to have an untrue definition of the word and it carries a very low vibration for you.  So, we suggest rather than surrender—adapt.  Rather than fight—adapt.  How do you adapt?  Look for alternative solutions to your challenges.  Move from fear to love.  Ask us for help with that.  You can learn an energy healing modality such as Reiki to help ease your tension and heal your heart.  This is something that you can share with others and can be utilized whether you have electrical power or not.  You are responsible for how you react to the circumstances surrounding you.  You are responsible for the energy that you put out.  You are responsible for making sure the energy you put out is as loving as possible if you are desirous of positive, loving change.

We are not going to sit here and repeat ourselves for another month by saying, November will be just like the previous months.  We believe you know that already.  What will say, however, is that this month will also be like no other.  You are very close to the end of the year.  You knew that 2012 would be a year of constant and great change…and this month is no different.

We implore you to stop fighting change and instead learn how to adapt.  This is what will move you from fear to love.  Let go of the baggage you have stubbornly been holding onto and move forward in love and courage.  It is time, dear ones.  It is time.

We are here for you.  Please ask us for our divine guidance to help ease you through the final stages of this level of transformation.  We love you always in all ways.

With Infinite Love and Joy,

~The Angels~

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Daily Angelic Message 10/26/12

Procrastination prevents you from truly living the life of your dreams.

With infinite love and joy,
~The Angels~

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