Tag Archives: Reiki

Daily Angelic Message for 6/28/13

When you’re working on creating something in your life, do whatever is required to lighten the energy around it…this can be in the form of things like reiki, prayer, shifting perspective, or some form of energy healing…then make sure you take whatever steps are shown to you that need to be done in the physical world.

With infinite love and joy,
~The Angels~

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November Angelic Forecast 2012

November will be a month of adaptability and change.  We understand that for many this no different than what you have been previously experiencing, however, many of you are still fighting the tides and not adapting.  Your world is changing.  The fact that it is changing cannot be controlled, how it changes can be.

We’d like to bring your attention to recent storms in the Northeastern United States.  There has been a huge loss of property and life.  We are deeply saddened by this but even more so by what we see happening.  The work that is being done out of love by so many is being overshadowed by the work that is being done out of fear by others.  There have been fights at stores and gas stations, complaints about inconveniences and the looting and the crime by those who don’t understand that this is not the highest way….we have no words to properly describe how this makes us feel for you…

This is why we speak of adaptability.  We understand that many have a difficult time with the word surrender.  You seem to have an untrue definition of the word and it carries a very low vibration for you.  So, we suggest rather than surrender—adapt.  Rather than fight—adapt.  How do you adapt?  Look for alternative solutions to your challenges.  Move from fear to love.  Ask us for help with that.  You can learn an energy healing modality such as Reiki to help ease your tension and heal your heart.  This is something that you can share with others and can be utilized whether you have electrical power or not.  You are responsible for how you react to the circumstances surrounding you.  You are responsible for the energy that you put out.  You are responsible for making sure the energy you put out is as loving as possible if you are desirous of positive, loving change.

We are not going to sit here and repeat ourselves for another month by saying, November will be just like the previous months.  We believe you know that already.  What will say, however, is that this month will also be like no other.  You are very close to the end of the year.  You knew that 2012 would be a year of constant and great change…and this month is no different.

We implore you to stop fighting change and instead learn how to adapt.  This is what will move you from fear to love.  Let go of the baggage you have stubbornly been holding onto and move forward in love and courage.  It is time, dear ones.  It is time.

We are here for you.  Please ask us for our divine guidance to help ease you through the final stages of this level of transformation.  We love you always in all ways.

With Infinite Love and Joy,

~The Angels~

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Filed under angels, fear, happines, healing, Inspiration, joy, Love, self improvement, Spirituality, Uncategorized

You Are Not Going Crazy

I promise, you’re not.  Nor are you alone.  The energy is (and has been) whacked out and crazy.  I’ve been contacted by several friends and clients lately who have been asking me what the heck is going on?  I’ve been affected by it myself.   Some people are angry, sad, depressed.  Others are sleeping way more than usual and are still exhausted.  Then there are the people who are going thru severe cases of insomnia.  We are in a transitory period—a period of preparation and change.  There is no waiting to see what will happen in 2012…the changes are occurring now.  Those of us who are sensitive to energy are feeling it.  Those of us who are not, are watching the sensitives negotiate its effects.

Here are a few things you can do to help deal with the craziness until it passes.

  • Allow yourself to let go of whatever no longer serves you.  I know it’s scary, but you will be better without it…whatever it is.
  • Ground, ground, ground…and once you’ve grounded your energy, do it again.
  • Cleanse as much as possible.  This is includes smudging, taking salt baths, or even just plain old showers.  Imagine the un-necessary energies falling away from your body and traveling down the drain to be cleansed by the earth.
  • If possible, go outside.  Sit on the grass, hug a tree, walk your dog…dance in the rain.
  • Ask the angels for help.  Ask them to cut cords, balance your chakras, and help you cope.
  • Have an energy healing session.  Try Reiki or Angelic IET if you haven’t already.  Surrender is so much easier during healing sessions.
  • Breathe…I mean that literally.  Take a huge deep breath and let it out slowly.  Do that for at least 10 breaths and you’ll feel somewhat more centered.
  • Meditate
  • Surround yourself with crystals.  Black tourmaline is grounding and transmutes lower vibrating energies into higher vibrating energies.  Lepidolite helps with fear and balances emotions.  Rose quartz brings in the vibration of unconditional love.  Citrine brings in joy.  Selenite connects with the angels.  Blue Lace agate helps you to feel at peace.  Blue kyanite balances and aligns the chakras.
This is a time to have compassion and love for yourself.  Allow the changes to bring magic and miracles into your life.  Embrace the newness.  Send gratitude to the fear…yes, gratitude.  Thank it for warning you of the potential pitfalls and downfalls.  Most of all have faith.  Faith that you are exactly where you need to be and that you know how to listen to and act on your intuition or gut instincts.  Let go of the anxiety and allow your True Self, your Authentic Self to bravely blossom into this new world.

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Filed under Alternative Medicine, angels, compassion, crystals, fear, happines, healing, humor, Inspiration, intuitive, joy, Love, magic, Reiki, relationships, releasing fear, self improvement, Spirituality, Uncategorized

Intuitively Designed Healing Jewelry

Just thought I’d start sharing some of the jewelry I create.  The client wanted to something to help support feelings of self-worth.  Well, there are a lot reasons why a person needs support with something like this, so I “tuned into” their energy to find out what area of self-worth needed the most focus.  In this case, she was very hard on herself and didn’t know how to give herself a break.  I felt that we needed to start with a crystal that supports the energy of compassion.   One of the reasons labradorite was included was to help reduce feelings of depression and anxiety.  The client  isn’t fond of labradorite, but she recognized that she would benefit from it’s energies.   With that in mind, I had to sort of sneak the labradorite in. Look closely by the clasp. Since I use various forms of energy work when charging the jewelry, I was able to “amp up” the energy of the labradorite to make up for using only two small pieces.  Below is a description of the energies and intent the bracelet supports.

Aquamarine is a light blue stone that attracts the energy of compassion. Compassion for oneself, for others, and FROM others. It’s also a stone of verbal communication & intelligence, with creativity thrown into the mix. It brings peace and calm, cools anger & supports “right” action. Labradorite is a greenish-grey stone which has protective properties. It helps keeps one from being affected by other people’s energy (or “stuff”). It’s a ‘feel good’ stone that strengthens intuition which is helpful during decision making. It helps alleviate depression & anxiety, increases self confidence by helping to get rid of insecurities, quiets the mind, protects and grounds, releases fear. This piece has also been infused with Reiki & Angelic IET energies.

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Filed under compassion, crystals, fear, happines, healing, intuitive, joy, Love, Reiki, releasing fear, self improvement, Spirituality, Uncategorized

Long Time No Blog

The concepts of Mikao Usui

Image via Wikipedia

It seems like forever since I last wrote a blog.  I don’t really like to write just to hear myself speak and frankly with all the writing I’ve been doing for the ezines, I haven’t had a whole lot to say.

I did survive my week alone…it was so much easier than I anticipated.  I learned that while I prefer sharing my space with David, I’m okay with being on my own too.  There have been a lot of ups and downs in the past month as is the case with all of us.  Being in the business of Spiritual Counseling and Healing does not make me immune to life and the energies surrounding us at this time.

I often talk about how much I love Reiki, especially when it comes to kids on the autistic spectrum.   My older son has been doing very well lately.  Very few angry flare-ups…and when they do happen, they are over almost as quickly as they started.  That was the case until I wrote an article where I specifically mentioned the same thing.  Literally, the following day, he had an episode that while it wasn’t his worst, it was pretty high up on the scale.  Of course this happened on a day where I, too, was being severely challenged.

Let me tell you something.  When an 18 year old young man is out of control, it’s scary.  Trusting that I could shift gears, let go of my own heartache and challenges, and get into the space where I could channel Reiki energy is scary. However, that is exactly what I did.  I sat on the ground next to my son, called in the energy and sent it to him.  I separated my ego from my non-ego self and allowed each to do its job.  Ego was “in charge” of watching my son, and being careful not to touch him.  Non-ego allowed the energy to flow through me and into him.  The change was almost immediate.  Even though I KNOW what Reiki is capable of, sometimes its effects still astound me.  It was a wonderful reminder that even though I (in my ego form) wasn’t sure if I could help my son, the energy always knows where to go and what is best.  I’m also finding that more and more often, sending Reiki (distance or remote healing) is at least as effective, and oftentimes more effective, as hands on.  Most important is that when I feared not being able to get into a space where Reiki would work, I should have applied this particular Reiki Precept:

Just for today, do not worry…..

That about says it all, doesn’t it?


Filed under adolescents, Alternative Medicine, Autism, children, crystal children, healing, indigo, Inspiration, rainbow children, Reiki, relationships, releasing fear, self improvement, Special Needs, Spirituality, teenagers, teens, Uncategorized

The Magic Pill

Don’t you wish there really was a magic pill?   Simply take a pill and you’re completely healed of all your “stuff” from this life time and all the others. Your ancestral line is healed and because your kids share your DNA, they are too. You and your partner exchange DNA on a regular basis….now he/she is healed. What a lovely dream. As a society, we seem to feel that we are all entitled to a magic pill and demand instant gratification. I encounter it on a regular basis in my practice. After one or two sessions people expect to be completely healed of lifetimes worth of issues. I’m a huge proponent of miracles and instant healing. I’ve witnessed it and had it occur in my own process. I’m not completely healed, and I don’t anticipate that I will be during this time around. However, I’ve had issues that I spent years working on in a traditional manner clear fully and instantly during one healing session. I was finally fully ready to let it go. I believed it was possible and I didn’t fear what life would look like if I didn’t have the issue anymore. This was true on all levels and that is what allowed me heal it. The simple truth is that many of us are not completely ready to let certain things go. We’ve come to believe that past experiences are part of who we are rather than simply memories. The hurt and pain attached to these memories are so deeply ingrained and embedded in us, we can’t separate them from our True Self. Therefore, it can take several sessions and often varied modalities to clear certain issues. I also believe that for some people energy work alone may not fully heal them. When I first started my healing process, I was in a very deep depression. I was under a psychologist’s care and took 4 different medications. I’d suffered from varying levels of depression and anxiety for most of my life. In one year, the doctor reduced my medications and dosages so that instead of 4 meds, I was only taking one. By the end of the second year, I was released from psychologist’s care and off all meds. In my book, that’s a miracle. While I still have periods where I feel down, I haven’t had a full blown anxiety attack or depressive episode in years. I did the work I needed to do.

I wish I could tell you that energy work always creates instant healings, but I can’t. What I can say is that if you are ready to let go of your perceptions of the past, then energy work will help you heal at an accelerated rate….and at times instantaneously. By getting regular sessions you will be able to start creating a more harmonious life and learn to fully develop a healthy relationship with yourself. Just as an aside here, the other wonderful aspect of energy work is that it transcends space and time. Therefore, distance healing sessions can be just as effective as in-person sessions…..something else I have discovered on both a personal and professional level.

As always, I thank you for reading and hope you have a beautiful, blessed, joyful day full of health and healing.

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Filed under Alternative Medicine, fear, humor, Inspiration, Reiki, relationships, releasing fear, self improvement, Spirituality, Uncategorized

What Happens If You Succeed?

Have you ever thought about that?  So many of us spend our lives trying to find love, happiness, family, security (financial or otherwise).  We try and hope, and wish….and sometime during all that, we “do”.  And by doing, we actually succeed.  Maybe not fully, but enough to make us sit up and take notice.  What happens if all of a sudden someone comes into your life who’s actually willing give you what you’ve been asking for?  They’re there for you when you’re happy, sad, angry, up, down….whatever.  They understand when you need quiet, but don’t want to be alone.  They may not like it when you’re angry, but get that you need to work through the emotion.  Oh, and then there are those times when you push them away, over and over again, but you see, here’s the thing.  You don’t really want them to leave.  Somehow they get this.  Somehow they understand.  Not only that, they truly understand where you are in your life.  You haven’t finished one thing, you’ve been strangled for so long, you’re learning how to breath again.  They know that you need to get out and experience people, and life in general.  They get that you don’t want to say “what if”, ten years down the road.  They’ve got their own stuff to finish and there are no guarantees, but right now, they give as good as they get.

Now here’s the really scary part, what if they not only do all that, but love you too?  They know you’re not perfect, but they feel that you’re perfect for them.  What do you do when that happens besides exclaim, “Are you sure you’ve got the right person?”  They describe you as they see you…..you hear the words, sometimes see them and swear they need their eyes checked.  You swear they’re not talking about you, because that person they described sounds wonderful.  Exactly like the person you wish you were.

They say the words that you’ve been wanting to hear forever, and you know they mean them.  You feel it down to your core.  What do you do?  It’s never happened before.

You’d think I’d be happy about this turn of events.  My emotional bank account has been running in the negatives for a long time.  I don’t know, maybe if I was able to dig under the fear, I might find that I’m happy.  Nobody is asking more of me than I can give right now, nor are they promising the world.  What a concept.

This is another exercise in not only learning to listen to my inner voice, but also trusting in the Universe.  The ironic thing is that I trust my inner voice and the Universe when it pertains to other people.  Me? Not so much…or more so, I don’t trust my interpretation.  When it comes to me, my viewpoint is jaded, pure and simple.

I can tell one thing for sure though, if I can ever accept this and wrap my brain around it, I won’t be the same person that I am right now.

Present Day

I recently found the above writing…it’s from approximately two years ago…and is part of my “story” and “who I was”.   I can gladly say, I’m not that person anymore, just as I suspected I wouldn’t be.  I’m also happy and have learned how to better “hear” my intuition when it pertains to me.

Nowadays, life is simple, though not always easy.  I’ve succeeded in realizing a dream…I’m currently in a healthy, loving relationship where there are equal parts love and respect.  This is something I never thought possible.  I was also scared that I wouldn’t know how to live my life if I succeeded in realizing this dream.  In many ways, I live my life just as before…day by day.  The difference is I accept this dream came true, believe that I deserve to be loved and happy…that I deserve to give love and help others to be happy…that this belongs to everyone by Divine right.

So many people are more fearful of success than they are of failure.  They start businesses, put their heart and soul into them, and just as the business is about to turn a corner and be a success, they sabotage it in some manner.  They stand back and wonder how the business could fail after it was doing so well.

In the years since I became a thetahealing practitioner, reiki master-teacher, and integrated energy master-instructor, I’ve seen more dreams and enterprises fail due to fear of success rather than fear of failure.  People who are used to “losing” have no idea what it feels like to “win”.  This can be an overwhelming issue…and often requires soul searching and healing.

The next time you set out to complete a project, work at realizing a dream, or attempt something new…ask yourself “What happens if I succeed?  How will I feel?  Can I handle who I am if I’m a success?  Will I be comfortable as that person?  Will I relate to others the same way I do now? How will others relate to me?” Pay close attention to how you feel when you ask yourself the question for the very first time? Your emotions and feelings are giving you clues to possible blocks or fears.  These are just a few of the questions that I suggest you play with.  If you can think of more, throw them in.  Do whatever you can to clear the fears and blocks that are keeping you from your success.

Embrace your true self.  Accept what is yours by divine birthright.  Be the you you choose to be. Have fun and enjoy the adventure.


Filed under fear, humor, Inspiration, Reiki, relationships, releasing fear, self improvement, Spirituality, Uncategorized

The Road To Choice

We’ve all done it.  We all do it.  We resist what we know without a doubt is in our best interest.  We resist what we know in the end will make our lives easier, simpler, more enjoyable.  There are times in our lives when we know that in order to reach our desired goal, the most direct way is to do our homework, but we fight it every step of the way like kids do on those first days of spring when all they want to do is go outside and play.

Why do we this to ourselves?  I’m questioning that right now as I stare at case studies, book reports, and other papers that I must complete in order to get my Reiki Teacher Certification.  I’ve been working toward this goal for a few years now.  I completed all the requirements to become a Reiki Master, however, if I want to be able to teach other parents of autistic or special needs kids how to give their children Reiki, then I need the Teacher Certification.  This is the path I was shown and this is the path I chose to follow.  Then why I am resisting the final steps?  Why do you resist?  Here is one of my favorite excuses.   I don’t like writing papers.   I make new excuses  as I go along….and now, I’m at the point where if I don’t get it done, then all my work is for naught.

Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I’m also a thetahealing practitioner.  Thetahealing involves a process called digging.  Digging is a specific method that helps us dig down to our bottom or core belief about ourselves or a situation.  I have the tools at my fingertips to dig down, find out why I’m resisting, release it, and replace it with a belief that serves my highest good.  Yet, I’m resisting that too.

I believe that when we choose to resist, it’s out of fear, we feel we have no choice, or both.  To be honest, I know it’s both…but even that’s an excuse.  I am afraid.  I’m afraid I may not be a good enough teacher, or that I won’t get students, or I’ll get so many students I won’t have a personal life anymore…on and on.  I pretend I don’t have a choice, but I do.  This is the path that was presented to me, it doesn’t mean I have to follow it.  I also could have chosen to study with other Reiki Master Teachers who do not have such heavy requirements.  I chose not to because this is way that “felt” right to me.  Again, I could go on and on.  We always have choices.  If we chose a desired outcome…we’re making a choice.  Within that choice are the ways that will get us to our desired outcome.  Some are easier than others….some feel right, others don’t.  The choice is still ours.

The next time you’re facing your own resistance or are in a situation where you feel like “you have no choice”, step back and view the situation as an outsider.  You’ll see resistance in and of itself is a choice. The desired goal or outcome is a choice.  Fear can even be  a choice.  Another important thing to remember is that just because you don’t like the choices in front of you, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have a choice.  Not choosing, is also a choice.  It’s choosing not to choose.  At the very least, we have a choice in how we react to situations.

When you’re able to recognize that you always have a choice, you’ll begin to feel more empowered.  More like the creative force behind your life that you are.  Every single choice we make is an act of creation within our lives.  Wouldn’t you rather experience your life feeling empowered as opposed to a victim?  I know I would.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m choosing to complete my work so that I can achieve my desired outcome of being a Reiki Master Instructor.


Filed under Autism, children, fear, Inspiration, Reiki, releasing fear, self improvement, Special Needs, Spirituality, Uncategorized

Failed Dreams Or New Directions?

When I envisioned getting married and having kids years ago, I thought in terms of fairy tales.  I didn’t have the easiest childhood when it came to my emotional and social life, but I did have a roof over my head, shoes on my feet, food in my belly, and parents who loved me.  With that said, my parents did the best they knew how, but I encountered a lot that they didn’t know how to deal with.  So, Prince Charming riding up on his white horse to take me to live in his castle in the clouds held a strong appeal.

My vision of  two perfect , well adjusted little boys, who excelled at sports, had tons of friends, got all A’s, and received full scholarships to Ivy League Schools turned into one boy on the autistic  spectrum and another who cares so much about other people, at times it can be to his detriment.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I love my kids to death.  My dreams were for them, not for me.  I wanted them to have the life that I always imagined, but reality came knocking at our door, hard.

My oldest is on the spectrum.  I knew from a very young age, with every fiber of my being that he wasn’t developing as per the norm.  However, this was way before the internet was available, and he was just typical enough to the naked eye, that the doctors were able to say “He’s a boy.  Sometimes boys develop slower than girls.” Though I do have to admit that when he wasn’t completely potty trained by age five, it did cause a few raised eyebrows.  Finally, a combination of mother’s intuition and journaling his behaviors were enough to get the doctors moving.  He wasn’t officially diagnosed until he was 6 years old.

My youngest son was born after my then husband and I worked through some marital issues.  Raising a special needs child, especially one without a diagnosis can be taxing on a marriage.  The fact that my son needed to be on an extremely regimented schedule in order to stay calm often resulted in arguments.  One side viewed the schedule as an inconvenience and a result of too strict parenting, and the other viewed it as survival.  The diagnosis helped put an end to that disagreement.

My second son is 5 ½ years younger than his brother.  Watching him has brought so much joy and sorrow.  We see how much our older guy missed out on by not being “typical”.  My youngest reached each of his milestones according to the “norm” and was the cause of celebration.   When a child who has special needs reaches a milestone, it brings a different kind of joy.  You’ve watched him work so hard to get there and you weren’t sure he would.  Things that are natural for other kids aren’t natural for him.  Watching my typical child reach his developmental milestones brings almost a sense of relief.  Relief for me that he doesn’t have to struggle the way his brother did, and a feeling of relief for him for the same reason.

As the years progress, more challenges arise.  Every challenge my older son endures affects my younger son.  Puberty was horrible.  Terrible bouts of anger, depression, threats of suicide and more were the norm.  Through it all, the boys dad and I had to find a way to keep some kind of balance and normalcy in the household.  My older child would try to hurt himself, his brother, or us.  My younger child would be so scared and we would have to split up in order to deal with situations.  Things usually ended up where I would take care of the older child and their father would try and comfort the younger.  It’s made even worse by that fact that the younger of the two is so empathic, compassionate, and intuitive.

I’ve said it before, but I can’t stress enough that learning Reiki and actually utilizing it in the moment has done wonders in helping our family through these situations.  It’s an added tool when medications and therapies don’t work…or even when they do.

The kids’ dad and I did eventually split up, partially due to the stresses of raising our kids along with the everyday trials like money, extended family etc.  However, we continue to co-parent very well and actually get along better now.  We were able to create a situation where most holidays are spent together and while our kids may not love that we don’t live together anymore, they’ve adapted.  They still live in their house, go the same schools, and have the same friends.

Believe it or not, I credit thetahealing with some of that.  The boys’ dad is a good and decent man, but splitting up can trigger behaviors we don’t know exist.  I worked on many of my belief systems to help the separation move forward with ease and grace.

So, I didn’t get my castle in the clouds, my kids don’t live the “charmed” life, but we do okay.  Being able to let go of how we think things “should” be and learning to go with the flow can make all the difference in how we view our lives.  It can make the difference between being happy and being angry.  Sometimes, in order to be happy, one has to surrender to the situation, and try a different course….like it or not.  If your comfort zone is not a place where happiness lives, moving out of it may bring you closer to place where it does.

By the way, my 18 year old just took his girlfriend to Prom and had a wonderful time.  Something we never believed possible, and my 13 year old is a whiz at the computer and fantastic musician….in spite of all the challenges being the sibling of an autistic child.

Blessings as you navigate your path to happiness and well-being.


Filed under Autism, children, fear, humor, Inspiration, Reiki, releasing fear, self improvement, Special Needs, Spirituality, Uncategorized

A Boy, A Girl, and Autism

My 18 year old son, who is on the autistic spectrum, has a girlfriend.  This brings me great joy but and tons of trepidation.  They’ve been going together for a while and he’s happy.  She too has special needs, but is not autistic.  I don’t know about you, but it’s been my experience that a lot of kids on the spectrum don’t have the patience for other kids on the spectrum.  The behaviors that label them as autistic are the exact behaviors that the kids have difficulty handling themselves.

Like I said, my son is happy right now, but I have to wonder just how healthy the relationship is.  When my son finds something he’s interested in, he hyper-focuses and obsesses.   Ask him about snakes, insects, fighter jets, or helicopters and he’ll provide you with a detailed dissertation the likes of which will cross your eyes.  Needless to say, when he says things like “my girlfriend is the only thing that’s important to me”, I know he means it, and I worry.

I practice the healing arts and have seen profound improvement in children’s behavior simply by giving them Reiki.  I’ve spoken before specifically about Reiki and how much it’s helped improved my son’s quality of life and the quality of life for other kids on the spectrum.  I have to admit, that this situation had me at a complete loss.  How could I use Reiki to help bring balance to my son’s view of this the relationship?   The answer was in the question.   The key element of Reiki is that it helps create balance in the body, mind, and spirit.  However, we live in a practical world and I knew that a few additional Reiki sessions weren’t going to “solve the problem”.

What I realized was that I could give him Reiki before trying to discuss and explain why it’s so important to focus on other relationships too.  Previous talks have led to the single-mindedness that only a child on the spectrum can have.  By sending him Reiki first, we’re able to enter into the conversation with both us of coming from a calmer and more balanced place.  I’m not going to say the situation has cleared up, but there’s been definite improvement.

The thing is, I’m so used to sending him Reiki, that the minute I hear the anxiety in his voice, I automatically.  Yesterday he called me because he’s worried about going to Prom.  He’s never been to one before and he was concerned about “not knowing what to do”.  I immediately started the Reiki energy and talked to him about Prom.  His entire demeanor changed within minutes.   The funny thing is, he caught on.  He knew I was sending the energy and called me on it…..then thanked me because it calmed him down.

There are practitioners out there who say Reiki is not magic and on the practical level, they ‘re right.   As for me, I’m constantly having magical experiences because of Reiki.  I guess it depends on what your definition of magic is.  When a child’s demeanor changes for the better within minutes of starting Reiki, I call that magic.


Filed under Autism, children, Reiki, self improvement, Special Needs, Spirituality