Tag Archives: Alternative

Daily Angelic Message for 11/24/12

Today, the Angels have decided that we are sending healing energy to all.  If you’d like to receive it, say yes in your heart or out loud, set an intention for where you’d like the energy to focus…or let the angels take the lead and guide the energy to where it will bring the most effective benefits for you highest good.  
Take a moment to get present, take a deep breath and receive.
Much love and abundant blessings,
Robin and
~The Angels~


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What’s Your Purpose

English: Fingerprint

English: Fingerprint (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How many times have you wondered what your life purpose is?  I know I’ve spent what seems like eons trying to figure it out.  Even after I started my own healing business…I wondered if this is what I was really meant to do here on earth.  Even after I started  teaching…I wondered if I’m really  supposed to be teaching spirituality…it seemed like such a lofty career…and who the heck was I to be teaching anyway?  My life isn’t perfect.  Then I felt pushed and pushed to write a book…so I did and ‘lo and behold, it was a bestseller.  Who knew?

Now, I didn’t just decide to become a healer, teacher, or author because it was what I wanted to do…instead it was more like I was compelled.  Compulsion is a funny thing.  It can come from the head (fear based ego) or it come from Spirit.  I really had to sit with my decisions to be sure that they didn’t come from me wanting to be something that I’m not.  Once I came to the understanding that the compulsion came from Spirit, I set about making each aspect of my career happen.  Yet, I still wondered.  I mean, I’d been told by other psychics and healers that this is what I was meant to do, and it felt right.  However, my logical mind needed something more and it got it.  Finally.

I recently learned about Scientific Hand Analysis which was created by Richard Unger.  According Baeth Davis, “Hand analysis is a scientifically verifiable practice, used by psychologists and neurosurgeons around the world.  Hand analysis is scientific because :

  • it is repeatable from hand to hand
  • it’s provable
  • it’s useful, practical information you can implement in your day to day life”

Our fingerprints, which are formed 5 months before we are born, hold the key.  The hand analyst who read my hands identified my fingerprints and using Richard Unger’s system was able to pinpoint not only my Life Purpose, but also my Life Lesson.  Your Life Lesson basically encompasses the types of challenges you will meet on your journey to fulfilling your highest potential (Life Purpose).  I cannot begin to express the full impact of what this reading had on my life…but I can tell you this….it gave me the physical evidence that my logical mind needed to embrace my Life Purpose.  You see, according to my finger prints, I am here to be a healer, a spiritual teacher, an author, and to create community.  The beauty of this process is I can go to any hand analyst in the world, and she/he will tell me the same exact thing without  even knowing me.

Oh, I mentioned that I learned what my Life Lesson is….my Life Lesson is Love.  Love should be an easy lesson, but it’s far from easy.  It’s learning how to express yourself authentically, yet appropriately.  It’s about accepting and loving the self…accepting love from others as well as loving others.  It’s about being free enough to authentically express your love without worrying about how others are going to react to it…or worrying about if they will receive it….and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  

I found this to be such a powerful system that I had to add to my toolbox….especially when I saw a quote from Caroline Myss where she refers to hand analysis as “a straightforward and easily accessible assessment tool for individuals who want to know their life purpose”.  I deeply respect Caroline Myss and her no nonsense attitude toward spirituality.  The way I saw it was if she was willing to get behind this system, then I knew it had to be the real deal.

If you feel like you’re here to something more or you’re wondering what your purpose is, then I highly suggest getting a hand reading.  I’ve added hand analysis to all my coaching programs now.  It allows me to immediately focus on the nitty gritty without wasting time.  My clients are consistently amazed at the confirmation and understanding they receive.  It’s somehow comforting knowing that there is nothing “wrong” with you…that your challenges are not because you did something “wrong”, instead they are what you came into this world to master.

I’m running a special on all hand analysis readings for the month of October.  In addition to your reading, you will receive a custom designed angelically channeled bracelet (for a man or a woman) created from a variety of gemstones that support both your Life Purpose and your Life Lesson at no extra cost.  ($65.00 value)  If this sounds interesting to you,  click here to read more about the session.

My hand analysis reading became an invaluable tool for both my professional and personal lives.  Every time I question what I’m doing or wonder why I’m hitting a brick wall, I look at my hands and immediately remember my Purpose and my Lesson and take it from there…it’s almost like having a road map for life……oh, and for the record, this is not a predictive reading and it’s not going to tell you when you’re getting married, how many kids you’re going to have, or when you’re going to die.  This is all about learning who you are at the deepest core of being.  

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Filed under angels, celebration, compassion, crystals, fear, happines, healing, Inspiration, joy, Love, magic, releasing fear, self improvement, Spirituality, Uncategorized

Long Time No Blog

The concepts of Mikao Usui

Image via Wikipedia

It seems like forever since I last wrote a blog.  I don’t really like to write just to hear myself speak and frankly with all the writing I’ve been doing for the ezines, I haven’t had a whole lot to say.

I did survive my week alone…it was so much easier than I anticipated.  I learned that while I prefer sharing my space with David, I’m okay with being on my own too.  There have been a lot of ups and downs in the past month as is the case with all of us.  Being in the business of Spiritual Counseling and Healing does not make me immune to life and the energies surrounding us at this time.

I often talk about how much I love Reiki, especially when it comes to kids on the autistic spectrum.   My older son has been doing very well lately.  Very few angry flare-ups…and when they do happen, they are over almost as quickly as they started.  That was the case until I wrote an article where I specifically mentioned the same thing.  Literally, the following day, he had an episode that while it wasn’t his worst, it was pretty high up on the scale.  Of course this happened on a day where I, too, was being severely challenged.

Let me tell you something.  When an 18 year old young man is out of control, it’s scary.  Trusting that I could shift gears, let go of my own heartache and challenges, and get into the space where I could channel Reiki energy is scary. However, that is exactly what I did.  I sat on the ground next to my son, called in the energy and sent it to him.  I separated my ego from my non-ego self and allowed each to do its job.  Ego was “in charge” of watching my son, and being careful not to touch him.  Non-ego allowed the energy to flow through me and into him.  The change was almost immediate.  Even though I KNOW what Reiki is capable of, sometimes its effects still astound me.  It was a wonderful reminder that even though I (in my ego form) wasn’t sure if I could help my son, the energy always knows where to go and what is best.  I’m also finding that more and more often, sending Reiki (distance or remote healing) is at least as effective, and oftentimes more effective, as hands on.  Most important is that when I feared not being able to get into a space where Reiki would work, I should have applied this particular Reiki Precept:

Just for today, do not worry…..

That about says it all, doesn’t it?


Filed under adolescents, Alternative Medicine, Autism, children, crystal children, healing, indigo, Inspiration, rainbow children, Reiki, relationships, releasing fear, self improvement, Special Needs, Spirituality, teenagers, teens, Uncategorized

The Magic Pill

Don’t you wish there really was a magic pill?   Simply take a pill and you’re completely healed of all your “stuff” from this life time and all the others. Your ancestral line is healed and because your kids share your DNA, they are too. You and your partner exchange DNA on a regular basis….now he/she is healed. What a lovely dream. As a society, we seem to feel that we are all entitled to a magic pill and demand instant gratification. I encounter it on a regular basis in my practice. After one or two sessions people expect to be completely healed of lifetimes worth of issues. I’m a huge proponent of miracles and instant healing. I’ve witnessed it and had it occur in my own process. I’m not completely healed, and I don’t anticipate that I will be during this time around. However, I’ve had issues that I spent years working on in a traditional manner clear fully and instantly during one healing session. I was finally fully ready to let it go. I believed it was possible and I didn’t fear what life would look like if I didn’t have the issue anymore. This was true on all levels and that is what allowed me heal it. The simple truth is that many of us are not completely ready to let certain things go. We’ve come to believe that past experiences are part of who we are rather than simply memories. The hurt and pain attached to these memories are so deeply ingrained and embedded in us, we can’t separate them from our True Self. Therefore, it can take several sessions and often varied modalities to clear certain issues. I also believe that for some people energy work alone may not fully heal them. When I first started my healing process, I was in a very deep depression. I was under a psychologist’s care and took 4 different medications. I’d suffered from varying levels of depression and anxiety for most of my life. In one year, the doctor reduced my medications and dosages so that instead of 4 meds, I was only taking one. By the end of the second year, I was released from psychologist’s care and off all meds. In my book, that’s a miracle. While I still have periods where I feel down, I haven’t had a full blown anxiety attack or depressive episode in years. I did the work I needed to do.

I wish I could tell you that energy work always creates instant healings, but I can’t. What I can say is that if you are ready to let go of your perceptions of the past, then energy work will help you heal at an accelerated rate….and at times instantaneously. By getting regular sessions you will be able to start creating a more harmonious life and learn to fully develop a healthy relationship with yourself. Just as an aside here, the other wonderful aspect of energy work is that it transcends space and time. Therefore, distance healing sessions can be just as effective as in-person sessions…..something else I have discovered on both a personal and professional level.

As always, I thank you for reading and hope you have a beautiful, blessed, joyful day full of health and healing.

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Filed under Alternative Medicine, fear, humor, Inspiration, Reiki, relationships, releasing fear, self improvement, Spirituality, Uncategorized