Category Archives: Alternative Medicine

You Are Not Going Crazy

I promise, you’re not.  Nor are you alone.  The energy is (and has been) whacked out and crazy.  I’ve been contacted by several friends and clients lately who have been asking me what the heck is going on?  I’ve been affected by it myself.   Some people are angry, sad, depressed.  Others are sleeping way more than usual and are still exhausted.  Then there are the people who are going thru severe cases of insomnia.  We are in a transitory period—a period of preparation and change.  There is no waiting to see what will happen in 2012…the changes are occurring now.  Those of us who are sensitive to energy are feeling it.  Those of us who are not, are watching the sensitives negotiate its effects.

Here are a few things you can do to help deal with the craziness until it passes.

  • Allow yourself to let go of whatever no longer serves you.  I know it’s scary, but you will be better without it…whatever it is.
  • Ground, ground, ground…and once you’ve grounded your energy, do it again.
  • Cleanse as much as possible.  This is includes smudging, taking salt baths, or even just plain old showers.  Imagine the un-necessary energies falling away from your body and traveling down the drain to be cleansed by the earth.
  • If possible, go outside.  Sit on the grass, hug a tree, walk your dog…dance in the rain.
  • Ask the angels for help.  Ask them to cut cords, balance your chakras, and help you cope.
  • Have an energy healing session.  Try Reiki or Angelic IET if you haven’t already.  Surrender is so much easier during healing sessions.
  • Breathe…I mean that literally.  Take a huge deep breath and let it out slowly.  Do that for at least 10 breaths and you’ll feel somewhat more centered.
  • Meditate
  • Surround yourself with crystals.  Black tourmaline is grounding and transmutes lower vibrating energies into higher vibrating energies.  Lepidolite helps with fear and balances emotions.  Rose quartz brings in the vibration of unconditional love.  Citrine brings in joy.  Selenite connects with the angels.  Blue Lace agate helps you to feel at peace.  Blue kyanite balances and aligns the chakras.
This is a time to have compassion and love for yourself.  Allow the changes to bring magic and miracles into your life.  Embrace the newness.  Send gratitude to the fear…yes, gratitude.  Thank it for warning you of the potential pitfalls and downfalls.  Most of all have faith.  Faith that you are exactly where you need to be and that you know how to listen to and act on your intuition or gut instincts.  Let go of the anxiety and allow your True Self, your Authentic Self to bravely blossom into this new world.

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Filed under Alternative Medicine, angels, compassion, crystals, fear, happines, healing, humor, Inspiration, intuitive, joy, Love, magic, Reiki, relationships, releasing fear, self improvement, Spirituality, Uncategorized

Surrender! It’s for Your Own Good…Really….I Promise

What is it about surrendering that scares the bejesus out of us?  For anyone who believes in a Higher Power, we know that sometimes our self…our low ego…does NOT know what’s best for us and our growth.  Did I say sometimes?  I would bet MOST of the time is a better description.  For clarification, let me explain that I see ego as the high ego and the low ego.  The high ego is where we work from when we need to use our intelligence or logic for practical things like balancing our checkbook.  The lower ego is a big ol’ bully.  It thumbs it’s nose out us, tells us we are not good enough, that we can’t do this or that, projects it’s fears on us…get the picture?  Okay, so that’s the part of our brain that holds us back when it’s time to surrender.

By now, many of us already know that God (insert Universe/Source/Your Divinity here) has a plan for us and when we surrender to him/her/it/ them it allows us to become more in alighnment with it.  My personal belief is that God is a direct reflection of my soul….he’s one of the voices of my soul.  So when I say God has a plan, I don’t believe that it is some separate being who hangs out in the clouds with a book in his hand.  I don’t see him pointing down at earth and saying “Robin, working in the insurance industry is NOT what you came here to do.”  Instead, I experience events that cause me to leave the business….kicking and screaming the whole time.  It would have been a heck of a lot easier if I had just let go.  If I paid attention to the signs and gently exited…surrendered.  Instead, I was doing what I was “supposed” to do…I was married, had kids, and brought home a decent paycheck.  I knew of no other way.

Nowadays, I live a completely different life and insurance is a not so fond memory.  I didn’t even know I wasn’t happy in my old life.  I thought I was.  I had a good husband, two kids, dogs, cats, fish, birds, nice house and nice cars….dinners out, vacations…you get the picture.  It was the good life, not.  Today, I’m happy…fully and completely.  I’m not always satisfied…I’d like to be more financially stable, but I did choose this road and with reason.  If I had never experienced a life “without”, I never would have truly appreciated what I had/have.  That may not be everyone’s Truth…for me it was part of my lesson.

So given the life changes I made, you would think that surrendering and listening to the angels would be a piece of cake, right?  Oh nooooo, I’ve been fighting them for weeks.  It got to the point where I simply got sick…really sick…to the point where I was too tired to fight.  Last night, I waved the white flag and surrendered.  I’m an Angelic IET practitioner/teacher.  IET is a healing modality that uses angelic healing energy to “get the issues out of your tissues.” It’s my energy work of choice when I or a client has particularly stubborn energetic blocks.  When you’re on the table receiving the healing it sometimes feels like nothing is going on.  At other times it feels like someone is bulldozing your insides and clearing you out.  In either case, you get what you need and the results show up quickly.

Cut back to my being sick…I was arguing with the angels last night when I told them I was done with the sick stuff and the emotional triggers that were coming up.  They took that as a green light that I was ready for a session.  Again I argued with them…reminding them that it was late and I couldn’t call my healer and ask for a session right then and there.  They sort of laughed at that.  Then I told them I was just too darn tired to work on myself.  That’s when they jumped in and reminded me that they had me attune and teach my partner, David,  how to do this kind of healing. Hmmm, no more excuses…the minute I asked David to work on me, he began prepping.

Back to the stupidity of not surrendering…After days of feeling like elephant poop, I woke up feeling lighter and more focused.  The feeling of hopelessness that often comes with being under the weather is gone.  I actually slept thru the night and the sleep was restful…did I mention I had been having nightmares lately?  I’m not perfect, mind you…but I have clients today and am definitely in a space where I can work on them effectively.  Yesterday?  I wasn’t so sure.

So why didn’t I surrender earlier?  Good question.  It was all low ego thinking.  I didn’t even bother to take the time to ask the angels what they had in mind.  I just stopped listening.  In one sense, I am glad that I waited since it showed me exactly what emotional gunk I was still fighting.  It showed me anger and resentment about a specific situation that I had no idea was still there.  Then again, did I need to know exactly what the anger was about?  Maybe, maybe not.

The bottom line is that once I gave in, things were not as bad as I expected.  When I left my old life for my new life, it was tough.  I went thru some really hard times…but the fact of the matter is, they didn’t last long.  I still hit bumps here and there, but for the most part, living that life was more difficult than making the transition and getting used to a whole new world.

We can be so afraid of the unknown.  Rather than looking at the changes as adventures, we worry about all the what ifs.  It truly has been my experience that the “what ifs”  my low ego comes up are way worse than physical reality.  Surrendering, giving in to the Divinity within (and without) is nothing more than detaching from the outcome.  It’s trusting that all is well no matter what….it’s taking the low ego’s wants, needs, and desires out of the picture.  It’s taking all that no longer serves us out of the equation.  Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?  Funny how knowing that, we still fear it.

It takes practice, people.  Lots of practice.  I’m not beating myself up over my latest antics.  I’m laughing at the whole darn thing.  I’m also grateful that I was shown two important aspects of myself that were/are still in need of healing.  The anger/resentment thing may or may not be fully gone, but it’s gone enough that I feel good.  The deal where I still argue with the angels and create situations for myself where I need to be cracked over the head with a Spiritual 2×4 does happen less often, but as I was shown, it does still happen.  That’s okay too.  It keeps me humble…and it reminds me of the real Truth, not my low ego’s truth.

May you experience ease and peace throughout your days…and watch out for those 2×4’s!  They can be a humdinger!

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Filed under Alternative Medicine, angles, compassion, fear, happines, healing, humor, Inspiration, intuitive, joy, Love, relationships, releasing fear, self improvement, service, Spirituality, Uncategorized

Long Time No Blog

The concepts of Mikao Usui

Image via Wikipedia

It seems like forever since I last wrote a blog.  I don’t really like to write just to hear myself speak and frankly with all the writing I’ve been doing for the ezines, I haven’t had a whole lot to say.

I did survive my week alone…it was so much easier than I anticipated.  I learned that while I prefer sharing my space with David, I’m okay with being on my own too.  There have been a lot of ups and downs in the past month as is the case with all of us.  Being in the business of Spiritual Counseling and Healing does not make me immune to life and the energies surrounding us at this time.

I often talk about how much I love Reiki, especially when it comes to kids on the autistic spectrum.   My older son has been doing very well lately.  Very few angry flare-ups…and when they do happen, they are over almost as quickly as they started.  That was the case until I wrote an article where I specifically mentioned the same thing.  Literally, the following day, he had an episode that while it wasn’t his worst, it was pretty high up on the scale.  Of course this happened on a day where I, too, was being severely challenged.

Let me tell you something.  When an 18 year old young man is out of control, it’s scary.  Trusting that I could shift gears, let go of my own heartache and challenges, and get into the space where I could channel Reiki energy is scary. However, that is exactly what I did.  I sat on the ground next to my son, called in the energy and sent it to him.  I separated my ego from my non-ego self and allowed each to do its job.  Ego was “in charge” of watching my son, and being careful not to touch him.  Non-ego allowed the energy to flow through me and into him.  The change was almost immediate.  Even though I KNOW what Reiki is capable of, sometimes its effects still astound me.  It was a wonderful reminder that even though I (in my ego form) wasn’t sure if I could help my son, the energy always knows where to go and what is best.  I’m also finding that more and more often, sending Reiki (distance or remote healing) is at least as effective, and oftentimes more effective, as hands on.  Most important is that when I feared not being able to get into a space where Reiki would work, I should have applied this particular Reiki Precept:

Just for today, do not worry…..

That about says it all, doesn’t it?


Filed under adolescents, Alternative Medicine, Autism, children, crystal children, healing, indigo, Inspiration, rainbow children, Reiki, relationships, releasing fear, self improvement, Special Needs, Spirituality, teenagers, teens, Uncategorized

Finding My Way……Again

Many of you who read my blog know I’m a healer.  You know I have two children, one who has autism and another who has ADHD.  You also know that I’ve discovered I have a gift for working with kids who have special needs.  However, I’m now also discovering that I have a knack for helping kids who we label as crystal children.  These are the children who are sensitive to the energies surrounding them…many of them get mislabeled as “difficult” or “problem” children.  However, when I see these kids, I see them as being overly empathic, sympathetic, and overwhelmed by energy.  Lately, I’ve been doing tons of distance healing on kids for varying reasons.  Sometimes their parents call and ask for help, and in the case of some teens, they themselves call and ask for help.  It seems that I’m able to help these children and teens understand that there is nothing wrong with them….that they just haven’t yet developed the tools they need in order deal with being a “crystal” child.  They see that I understand what they are going through since I had similar experiences when I was young.  They trust that I’m not going to judge them.  It’s deeply humbling.  It’s also eye opening.  You see, when I started my practice, my desire was to help adults rediscover miracles.  I always knew that kids with special needs would be a part of my work, but always assumed (ha ha) that my main work would be with adults.  It looks like all that is changing.  I have to admit, it’s scary.  I barely made it through childhood and adolescence and these kids look up to me?   Although, I do have to admit, it would be nice if my kids saw me as these kids do.  Then again, my 18 year old doesn’t hesitate to ask for reiki.  My 13 year old is another story, but I sneak it in when I can.

So now I’m left wondering… I reinvent my website and gear it more to these sensitive children?  Is there something I need to be doing in order to get my message out there?  What exactly is my message?  Also, the world we live in requires money in order to live.  When the kids call, I can’t say no….but kids don’t have money.  How much time and energy can I give to the kids and still pay my bills?  Interesting how something so simple as sending various healing energies to children and teens can put me in a position of needing to find my way again.


Filed under adolescents, Alternative Medicine, Autism, children, crystal children, fear, humor, indigo, Inspiration, rainbow children, Reiki, relationships, releasing fear, self improvement, Special Needs, Spirituality, teenagers, teens, Uncategorized

The Magic Pill

Don’t you wish there really was a magic pill?   Simply take a pill and you’re completely healed of all your “stuff” from this life time and all the others. Your ancestral line is healed and because your kids share your DNA, they are too. You and your partner exchange DNA on a regular basis….now he/she is healed. What a lovely dream. As a society, we seem to feel that we are all entitled to a magic pill and demand instant gratification. I encounter it on a regular basis in my practice. After one or two sessions people expect to be completely healed of lifetimes worth of issues. I’m a huge proponent of miracles and instant healing. I’ve witnessed it and had it occur in my own process. I’m not completely healed, and I don’t anticipate that I will be during this time around. However, I’ve had issues that I spent years working on in a traditional manner clear fully and instantly during one healing session. I was finally fully ready to let it go. I believed it was possible and I didn’t fear what life would look like if I didn’t have the issue anymore. This was true on all levels and that is what allowed me heal it. The simple truth is that many of us are not completely ready to let certain things go. We’ve come to believe that past experiences are part of who we are rather than simply memories. The hurt and pain attached to these memories are so deeply ingrained and embedded in us, we can’t separate them from our True Self. Therefore, it can take several sessions and often varied modalities to clear certain issues. I also believe that for some people energy work alone may not fully heal them. When I first started my healing process, I was in a very deep depression. I was under a psychologist’s care and took 4 different medications. I’d suffered from varying levels of depression and anxiety for most of my life. In one year, the doctor reduced my medications and dosages so that instead of 4 meds, I was only taking one. By the end of the second year, I was released from psychologist’s care and off all meds. In my book, that’s a miracle. While I still have periods where I feel down, I haven’t had a full blown anxiety attack or depressive episode in years. I did the work I needed to do.

I wish I could tell you that energy work always creates instant healings, but I can’t. What I can say is that if you are ready to let go of your perceptions of the past, then energy work will help you heal at an accelerated rate….and at times instantaneously. By getting regular sessions you will be able to start creating a more harmonious life and learn to fully develop a healthy relationship with yourself. Just as an aside here, the other wonderful aspect of energy work is that it transcends space and time. Therefore, distance healing sessions can be just as effective as in-person sessions…..something else I have discovered on both a personal and professional level.

As always, I thank you for reading and hope you have a beautiful, blessed, joyful day full of health and healing.

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Filed under Alternative Medicine, fear, humor, Inspiration, Reiki, relationships, releasing fear, self improvement, Spirituality, Uncategorized

An Introduction

Hi, I’m Robin Linke and I’d like to welcome you to my blog.  I’m a Spiritual Counselor and energy healer.   I’m the owner of Balanced Healing Arts, and also work at The Vandana Center in Aberdeen, NJ.  I’m a certified Thetahealing practitioner, Angelic Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) Master/Instructor, Reiki Master, and Ordained Minister.  In addition to that, I give Angel and Tarot card readings.  My readings are meant to give my clients an idea of what’s holding them back from living as their authentic self.  I’m a Young Living Oil distributor and often include oils in my sessions.  I also include rocks and crystals when I’m guided to.  Besides all that, I’m the mother of  two boys, the oldest is 18 and is on the autistic spectrum and has issues with anger.  My younger son is a precocious 13 year old who loves simply being a kid.  Having a child on the spectrum sparked my desire to work with children who have special needs and also their parents.  One of my goals is to show these families how they can integrate energy work into their child’s (and their own) daily lives.

Okay, I think that about covers what I do.  I’ll post another blog to give you some insight into how I got here.  I spend my days counseling people in how to remain true to themselves.  I help them get rid of self limiting beliefs and replace those beliefs with new ones that support their highest good.  I work with them to remove energy blockages from within their bodies, and do my best to instill a belief in miracles….that anything is possible.  In living my day to day life, I work hard at walking my talk.  Like everyone else in this world, I have days that test my faith to it’s limits.  My guess is those days will be chronicled within the pages of this blog.

The bottom line is we’re  human.  We each have our ups and downs.  On those down days, I admit, I don’t always make the highest choices first.   I don’t always remember my self-care, but eventually something happens and I get back on my path.  I consult my mentors or go to my own healers.  I remind myself of all the good that’s in my life.  Gratitude is huge.  I remember when I first started learning about how gratitude could change your life.  I was not in the best of places and couldn’t think of anything to be grateful for.  One of the first things I learned, is when I wake in the morning to be grateful that I had another day….another opportunity to create the life I wanted.  Even today, it’s one of the foremost thoughts in my mind.

For now, I’d like to leave you with this.  You don’t need to BE perfect, you already are.  There is no one else in this Universe who is better at being you than YOU.  If you don’t like where you are this minute, don’t worry about it.  You don’t have to wait until tomorrow to begin creating the life you desire, you can begin right now by finding something to be grateful for.  It doesn’t have to be something big.  Are you reading this blog inside a building away from the outside elements?  Be grateful for that.  Don’t think about having to go outside in the next five minutes, because right here, right now, for this one moment….all is well.  Go ahead, be grateful for something, I dare you.


Filed under Alternative Medicine, Autism, Inspiration, Special Needs, Spirituality