Category Archives: service

Angelic Forecast for October 2012

Greetings, sweet ones.  We are here to share with you the energies for your October 2012.  We know you will be happy to hear that this month many of you will reap your rewards.  You’ve been working very hard and it will pay off in both financial abundance and personal transformation.  We understand the trials and tribulations that the human fear-based ego creates, but those of you who have overcome it and pushed forward regardless of its nay-saying attitude will experience the benefits. For those of you who haven’t reached that stage yet, you have more work to do.  When all else fails, take the time to nurture and love yourself.  Treat yourself as you would a young child who is learning to walk.  You don’t scold a newly walking child when he falls.  Instead, you pick him up, give him a hug, and help him to get his balance while standing on his own two feet.  AND you encourage and applaud his efforts!   That’s what you are doing right now.  Learning how to walk….again.

As far as planetary and societal changes go, things will remain pretty much the same.  Both are in a bit of chaos as they each go through their shifts.  New and different weather patterns will continue which actually makes sense.  On an energetic level, things are not like they used to be and this new higher vibration continually stirs up the old to be released.  Cleansing and clearing for the new….weather events are one of the ways in which your planet achieves this.

People who hold some sort of authority and who are out of integrity are going to continue to fight harder to hold onto the old ways, however, the new paradigm will not allow it.  Please understand though, these changes will not take place over night.  It may take years before a new financial and governmental structure is in place.  Of course, it doesn’t have to take years, but based on the energy we see at this moment, this is most likely outcome.  However, you have the power to change that.

Please do not be afraid to ask for help during these times of change.  We ask you to hold the space of love and not be tempted to go into the energy and habit of fear.  We also ask you to please be aware and conscious of your energy.  There is a lot of fear and anger in the world right now and if you are tapped into it, you will take it on.  When you are feeling ‘off’, check in with yourself and ask if what you are feeling is yours.  Chances are it’s not.  Send us the energy and we will return it to its rightful owner with love attached.  When all else fails, connect to nature in some way.  Nature doesn’t judge, nature just is.

Remember, you are not here by accident.  Your soul has chosen to be a contribution to the earth and to these energies.  Regardless of who you are, what you are doing, and how you are being, you are contributing in some manner.  Embrace the experience and live as the highest version of you that you can be moment by moment.

We send you peace, we send you love, we send you joy, we send you magic and miracles.

With Infinite Love and Joy,

~The Angels~



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Daily Angelic Message 9/20/12

Don’t ever be afraid to expand.  The Universe requires you to be the best and most expansive version of you possible.

With infinite love and joy,
~The Angels~

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Daily Angelic Message for 9/18/12

If you’re unsure of what your next best action steps should be, ask us to clearly guide you to them.  If you aren’t sure if the guidance is actually coming from us, then ask us to clearly show you the  same guidance three times.

With infinite love and joy,
~The Angels~

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Daily Angelic Message for 9/16/12

Being generous of Spirit means being generous in both your giving AND your receiving.

With infinite love and joy,
~The Angels~

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June Angelic Forecast

As the new energies continue to come in, shift, and integrate… grounding, remaining present, and self care are even more important than ever this month….and in general.  Connecting with nature in its various forms is no longer an option…it’s a necessity.  Finding ways to move your physical body is also more important than before…this isn’t only for physical health, it’s for your spiritual and emotional health too.

Many of you enjoy outdoor activities and we applaud you for that, however, while that helps with moving your body, it doesn’t always allow you to actually connect with nature.  Let’s say you’re a tennis player…you’re moving your body, having fun, but you’re also completely focused on your activity.  You’re not going to stop mid-swing to notice that we placed a cloud formation that looks like us in the sky.  Now let’s say you’re on a leisurely bike ride and a butterfly catches your interest.  In this case, you have the opportunity to stop and admire it.

Moving your body gets your energy flowing….both physical and life force energy….paying attention to the miracles of nature is what is going to help keep you grounded, present, and even in a place of gratitude.

As the veil gets thinner, many of you are going to become more sensitive to energy.  Those of you who are already strongly intuitive and psychic may become slightly overwhelmed as you open up more.  Those of you who closed off your abilities are going to notice that they are opening back up…and for those who don’t believe they have a connection to energy, you’re going to begin discovering that you do.  In general, this is not something that is going to happen overnight, however, between now and the end of 2012 the majority of you will notice a significant difference in how you perceive energy.

We are not suggesting that everyone will have the capacity to give psychic readings…what we are actually saying is that you will be much more in tune with your intuitive abilities and will be better equipped to live from your heart instead of your head.  In doing so, you’ll find that more and more you are living in a place of love as opposed to fear.

The truly extraordinary thing about this, is that it will allow you to live more balanced physical and energetic lives if you so choose.  The intuitive knowing-ness will bring you the information required to take action that is more beneficial to you.  Intuition is a feminine energetic trait, while action speaks to the masculine.  In combination the two halves come together to form the whole and the Oneness that we seek.

The energetic downloads will become more numerous over the next six months.  So again, we remind you….connect with nature as much as possible…if you can’t go outside, look out the window and feel the sky, or the birds, even the earth below the concrete sidewalks.  It will help you remain present and remind you of what is real as you assimilate the new energies.

Remember, we are here if you need us…all you need to do is ask.  There is no task too large or too small.  We love you always in all ways.

~The Angels~


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A Special Message From the Angels

The angels sat me down today because they wanted to get this message out to you.  Frankly, I hoped thought they were going to give me the June Angelic Forecast a little early.  No such luck.  After hearing and reading what they had to say, I can understand why they didn’t want this to get lost in the June Angelic Forecast.  You’ll also notice that they refer to me and my experiences in this post.  They’ve never done that before.

As the earth’s polarity and energy continues to shift, you may have noticed many more deaths occuring lately.  While some deaths may make sense to you, as in the case of someone who has been ill, others make no sense to you at all….such as seemingly healthy people who are here today and gone tomorrow.  Before we go on, let us be clear that we are sending much love and compassion to those who have suffered from the loss of loved ones.

As humans, you have many choice points in your life where your soul can choose to continue on this physical body or not.  Sometimes the soul’s decision to move on makes absolutely no sense to the loved ones who have been left behind….sometimes it seems like a selfish choice to those who have been left behind.  When a soul chooses to leave the earth plane, it’s not choosing to leave you or its human family.   The reasons a soul may choose to leave the earth plane are many and varied and specific to that soul.  It could have to do with its growth, or contracts, or reasons you cannot fathom right now.  We understand that it is difficult for you and would like to remind you that even though you may have lost your faith in us and the Creator, we have not lost our faith in you.  We are here to help you in whatever way you will allow us.   We love you more than you could ever know or imagine….

We also would like to speak to you about animals and especially your pets.   As you may or may not know, you are hooked into the heartbeat of the earth.  Your human free-will and life experiences determine just how aware you are of it or not…we call free-will and life experiences filters.  Your filters also determine how you react to the changes to the heartbeat of the earth.  Animals do not have these filters and are, therefore, much more in tune with the earth’s energies and heartbeat.  There has been a huge amount of energetic activity on the earth and in its atmosphere lately and it is affecting the animals.  Robin mentioned that the wildlife in her area are acting strangely and asked us about it. Additionally, more and more pets seem to be losing their way.  Some are spooking more easily, others who have historically behaved perfectly are running away.  It’s not that your beloved pets don’t love you, it’s simply the shift in energy and their instincts reacting to it.  We are asking you to be much more mindful of your pets as these shifts continue to occur.  Make sure they have collars and tags.  Get them microchipped.   If your pets spend time outside, make sure they are supervised and if they are in gated areas, check the stability of the gates and fences.  We are not suggesting that you never let your animals roam, we are suggesting that you be aware.   If your beloved friend does lose her way, Robin was told not to assume that reporting a lost pet to the police or local animal shelter insures that the other shelters and agencies in the area will be contacted for they will not.  Each agency must be contacted individually by you or someone who is helping you find your pet.  As a matter of fact, as Robin was channeling this message from us, she became distracted by her parakeet.  He’s been behaving very differently lately too.  On this day he was climbing up the screen of her sliding doors and investigating the space between the two doors.  This is very unusual for him.  He’s the most active, animated, and mischievous than he’s ever been….not wrong or bad.  Different.    The point is, we are not trying to instill fear in you, we are just reminding you that change is affecting all creatures…human and other.

With infinite love and blessings,

~The Angels~

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The Making of a Musical Mystic

Hi Everyone,

Today I’m sharing something written by guest blogger, David Rosenhaus:

The Making of a Musical Mystic
by David Rosenhaus

If anyone ever told me I’d be mystical in any way, I’d have suggested they commit themselves. I started my spiritual path a few short years ago after a suicidal episode that had me standing on a highway overpass in the rain.

I never considered the poems, songs, and stories I’ve written my entire life to have anything to do with Spirit, Mysticism, God or even contributing to society. It’s just what I did when I lost focus in the classroom or while I was bored at home between jobs. And eventually I stopped writing.

Writing and other artistic forms of expression seem to be a big theme amongst people “on the path”. Ultimately I learned that it’s a form of creation, our own expression of our god-self. I learned that one of the most selfish and hurtful things a person can do is not share their gifts with the world. Even if no one is listening or watching. If you sing, you must sing. If you write, you must write. If you paint, draw, sculpt, whittle, or just have a unique insight into the world, you must be willing to share.

Of course, there’s a difference between sharing and forcing your ideas and creations on others, and I’m not suggesting we shove what we do in anyone’s face. Just be brave enough to let others know your gift is there. It’s a scary thing though. We put our heart and soul into our creations and, because we are in this human form, we probably have some ego attachment to what we’ve done. And we worry whether people will like what we do, or criticize it, or cast us out into the abyss of the un-cool.

Go ahead and share it anyway.

This is what David shared when he allowed his Musical Mystic to shine through.  I bet you’ve got something to share too.                                  


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You, Loving You

February is the month of romance!  Whoo Hoo!  Easy for me to say.  I’m in a relationship with a fun and supportive guy who comes with the requisite burping and farting.  But what if you’re single?  Or even worse, in a lousy relationship?  What do you do then?  The answer is the same regardless of your relationship status.  You begin by loving you.

Okay, so how you do you accomplish that?  One way is to start treating yourself in the same way you want to be treated.  We’re told to do unto others as we’d like others to do unto us.  This holds true for our relationship with ourselves.  You can’t expect to be respected if you don’t respect you.  Oh yes, there will be a handful (or less) of people who treat you with respect, but for the most part, that’s not the type of person you will attract into your life.  Begin by giving yourself a break.  Remember that there will be times when you make mistakes.  Mistakes are simply another way of learning what NOT to do.  Don’t beat yourself up because you think you’ve done something “wrong”.  Accept that it may not be the most effective way of doing things.  That’s all it is.  Negative self talk will get you every time.  It will lower your energetic vibration and just plain make you feel bad.  If you speak poorly to yourself, you are that energy.  Therefore, you will attract a larger number of people (including romantic partners) who speak poorly to you.  AND…if they speak to you poorly, they are most likely going to treat you like crap.  No one deserves to be treated like crap.  Especially not you!

Next….let’s say you want to be romanced but you either don’t have a partner or he/she is not the romantic type.  That doesn’t mean you’re doomed to live a life without romance.  There’s romance all around you.  It’s in the beauty of the trees, animals, clouds, and animals.  It’s in the beauty of architecture or the smile on a child’s face.  Once you recognize that beauty, you’ll be able to feel the romance.  You can also romance yourself.  Buy flowers just for you, just because.  Buy pretty lingerie or silky pajamas.  I love (insert sarcastic facial expression here) when I hear women say they don’t bother buying pretty lingerie because no one will see it.  If you’re wearing it, aren’t you going to see it?  Are you calling yourself a “no one”?  Note: remarks like relate back to you not respecting you.

How else can you nurture, honor, and love yourself?  You can make a nice dinner and set the table with candles, silver, and your best dishes….just like you would if your lover was coming over.  Oh, don’t forget to put on some music too.  Remember, you are your lover…only you can love yourself like you truly desire to be loved.  If you’re short on money or don’t like to cook, pour yourself a bowl of cereal and set the table as described above.  By the way, you can purchase really pretty dishes, candles, and candlesticks at the dollar store.  Now, to make it really special I’m going to suggest one more step.  I’d like you to consciously bless your food.  Hold your hands over your meal, connect with the highest energy of All That Is and imagine your food being infused and blessed with pure white light.  When you’re done, send out a heartfelt thank you to the Universe.  How’s that for romance?  The blessing is a nice practice to carry out before every meal.

Here’s something else you can do for yourself.  Take a love bath.  Fill the tub with warm water add bubble bath if you have it.  Include rose water or rose scented oil for a wonderful fragrance.  Rose petals are a nice addition too.  Put 4 pieces of rose quartz around the outside corners of your tub, light some candles (preferably pink or white), dim the lights and immerse yourself in the vibration of love.  If you want to amp up the love vibration a bit you can put the rose quartz directly in the tub, but be careful because the rose quartz could scratch it.  Oh…and don’t forget the music!

Last, but definitely not least, call in the Angels!  Ask them to show you love and miracles.  I can feel them as type this, they’re waiting in the wings (no pun intended) for you to call on them.  Don’t worry that they’ll be too busy.  They don’t have the same limitations we do as human beings.

In the end, no matter who is or isn’t in your life, Spirit, or whatever name you call The Highest Energy of All That Is, loves you.  Deeply and completely…and since Spirit lives within you, you can love you too.




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Surrender! It’s for Your Own Good…Really….I Promise

What is it about surrendering that scares the bejesus out of us?  For anyone who believes in a Higher Power, we know that sometimes our self…our low ego…does NOT know what’s best for us and our growth.  Did I say sometimes?  I would bet MOST of the time is a better description.  For clarification, let me explain that I see ego as the high ego and the low ego.  The high ego is where we work from when we need to use our intelligence or logic for practical things like balancing our checkbook.  The lower ego is a big ol’ bully.  It thumbs it’s nose out us, tells us we are not good enough, that we can’t do this or that, projects it’s fears on us…get the picture?  Okay, so that’s the part of our brain that holds us back when it’s time to surrender.

By now, many of us already know that God (insert Universe/Source/Your Divinity here) has a plan for us and when we surrender to him/her/it/ them it allows us to become more in alighnment with it.  My personal belief is that God is a direct reflection of my soul….he’s one of the voices of my soul.  So when I say God has a plan, I don’t believe that it is some separate being who hangs out in the clouds with a book in his hand.  I don’t see him pointing down at earth and saying “Robin, working in the insurance industry is NOT what you came here to do.”  Instead, I experience events that cause me to leave the business….kicking and screaming the whole time.  It would have been a heck of a lot easier if I had just let go.  If I paid attention to the signs and gently exited…surrendered.  Instead, I was doing what I was “supposed” to do…I was married, had kids, and brought home a decent paycheck.  I knew of no other way.

Nowadays, I live a completely different life and insurance is a not so fond memory.  I didn’t even know I wasn’t happy in my old life.  I thought I was.  I had a good husband, two kids, dogs, cats, fish, birds, nice house and nice cars….dinners out, vacations…you get the picture.  It was the good life, not.  Today, I’m happy…fully and completely.  I’m not always satisfied…I’d like to be more financially stable, but I did choose this road and with reason.  If I had never experienced a life “without”, I never would have truly appreciated what I had/have.  That may not be everyone’s Truth…for me it was part of my lesson.

So given the life changes I made, you would think that surrendering and listening to the angels would be a piece of cake, right?  Oh nooooo, I’ve been fighting them for weeks.  It got to the point where I simply got sick…really sick…to the point where I was too tired to fight.  Last night, I waved the white flag and surrendered.  I’m an Angelic IET practitioner/teacher.  IET is a healing modality that uses angelic healing energy to “get the issues out of your tissues.” It’s my energy work of choice when I or a client has particularly stubborn energetic blocks.  When you’re on the table receiving the healing it sometimes feels like nothing is going on.  At other times it feels like someone is bulldozing your insides and clearing you out.  In either case, you get what you need and the results show up quickly.

Cut back to my being sick…I was arguing with the angels last night when I told them I was done with the sick stuff and the emotional triggers that were coming up.  They took that as a green light that I was ready for a session.  Again I argued with them…reminding them that it was late and I couldn’t call my healer and ask for a session right then and there.  They sort of laughed at that.  Then I told them I was just too darn tired to work on myself.  That’s when they jumped in and reminded me that they had me attune and teach my partner, David,  how to do this kind of healing. Hmmm, no more excuses…the minute I asked David to work on me, he began prepping.

Back to the stupidity of not surrendering…After days of feeling like elephant poop, I woke up feeling lighter and more focused.  The feeling of hopelessness that often comes with being under the weather is gone.  I actually slept thru the night and the sleep was restful…did I mention I had been having nightmares lately?  I’m not perfect, mind you…but I have clients today and am definitely in a space where I can work on them effectively.  Yesterday?  I wasn’t so sure.

So why didn’t I surrender earlier?  Good question.  It was all low ego thinking.  I didn’t even bother to take the time to ask the angels what they had in mind.  I just stopped listening.  In one sense, I am glad that I waited since it showed me exactly what emotional gunk I was still fighting.  It showed me anger and resentment about a specific situation that I had no idea was still there.  Then again, did I need to know exactly what the anger was about?  Maybe, maybe not.

The bottom line is that once I gave in, things were not as bad as I expected.  When I left my old life for my new life, it was tough.  I went thru some really hard times…but the fact of the matter is, they didn’t last long.  I still hit bumps here and there, but for the most part, living that life was more difficult than making the transition and getting used to a whole new world.

We can be so afraid of the unknown.  Rather than looking at the changes as adventures, we worry about all the what ifs.  It truly has been my experience that the “what ifs”  my low ego comes up are way worse than physical reality.  Surrendering, giving in to the Divinity within (and without) is nothing more than detaching from the outcome.  It’s trusting that all is well no matter what….it’s taking the low ego’s wants, needs, and desires out of the picture.  It’s taking all that no longer serves us out of the equation.  Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?  Funny how knowing that, we still fear it.

It takes practice, people.  Lots of practice.  I’m not beating myself up over my latest antics.  I’m laughing at the whole darn thing.  I’m also grateful that I was shown two important aspects of myself that were/are still in need of healing.  The anger/resentment thing may or may not be fully gone, but it’s gone enough that I feel good.  The deal where I still argue with the angels and create situations for myself where I need to be cracked over the head with a Spiritual 2×4 does happen less often, but as I was shown, it does still happen.  That’s okay too.  It keeps me humble…and it reminds me of the real Truth, not my low ego’s truth.

May you experience ease and peace throughout your days…and watch out for those 2×4’s!  They can be a humdinger!

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Accepting Our Duality


Image via Wikipedia

Today is one of those days when I find it difficult to walk in both the physical and spiritual worlds.  While I’m proud of  our Troops for their hard work and I’m quite happy to know that we are sharing this planet with one less terrorist, I find it difficult to celebrate killing. Isn’t killing the reason the we worked so hard to find Osama Bin Laden?

I believe in love.  I believe in peace.  I find confrontation painful, while recognizing that it is sometimes necessary in the physical world. I fully understand that at times, the only way to survive is to kill.  I eat meat, poultry, and fish…yet I’m able to honor and thank the animals and plant life that give their lives so I can eat.  I cannot honor this man, but I do have a measure of compassion for him.  He grew up with belief systems that were based in fear and hate.  I cannot imagine growing  up and living that way.

Instead of celebrating killing , I choose to pray for the families who have been affected by Bin Laden’s acts and influences all over the world.  I pray that they will now be able to find some modicum of peace and closure.  I pray for the troops who choose to defend our country and our rights.  I thank these men and women who make it possible for me to safely sit at my computer and write these words.  I will not deny that I’m happy to see that Osama is gone….even tho I recognize the true problem still exists.  I will not deny that I do feel some pride that our country was able to fight back and remove him from this planet.  What I cannot do is celebrate killing…I just can’t.  I truly wish there was some other way.

I keep thinking I belong in a Monastery on top of a mountain somewhere.  I’m truly not sure how to be at peace with this sort of duality.  The best I can do is acknowledge and recognize that there are times when the human must behave in ways the spirit doesn’t understand in order to live in the physical world.  This is one of them.

In peace, love, and gratitude,



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