Tag Archives: August

Purging, Cleaning, Packing

I just wanted to check in with you and let you know that I won’t be sending out an August Monthly Blessings E-zine. It’s been another whirlwind month and we’re in the process of moving…packing day is July 31, lease signing/moving day is August 1…and I’m still doing sessions and running classes in between. Thank goodness for prayer, meditation, the Angels, and David (my partner).

I learned a lot of lessons while waiting to see if we were going to get approved for our new place and they seriously hit each and every one of my core fear based buttons…and in doing so, increased my Faith and Gratitude. In the end, I finally fully integrated the facts that no matter how bad things have gotten, I have always had a safe place to live and always had food in the cupboards.

Where have you been feeling scared and unsafe but have actually been safe and protected in your life?

Purging, Cleaning, Packing…With each item I choose to keep and each item I choose to let go of, I get a clearer picture of who I am in these 10 seconds.

If you follow me on my public Facebook page, it sounds like I have a ton of stuff, but the real work is in separating what is mine from what came with and belongs with the house. I am noticing that I really do live what I teach. Even in a larger space, I don’t have as many possessions as I used to. I no longer use “stuff” to fill an emotional void. I am holding onto just a few keepsakes…although, I am a Leo, so there are still probably more shoes, clothes, jewelry and handbags than necessary. LOL

Everything else (that is specifically mine) is either related to my spiritual practice or work. I’d hate to lose them, but I also know that if they were gone, my connection and faith would not be. I gave away a bunch of books and whole lot of crystals…some people thought I was nuts, but I don’t own these things. I’m their guardian and when it’s time for them to leave, I say my goodbye’s and let them go.

Lots of thought as well as intuition is being given to the rest of the stuff…dishes, silverware, pots, pans, TVs, furniture, Etc. Is it functional? Is it something we use? Does it make our lives easier? Is there space for it in our new home? Does it work for us? Does it feel light and expansive, or heavy and constrictive? Do we actually like and enjoy it? And if it’s a necessity that we are not crazy about, would we rather spend the money on a new one or keep this one for now? By combining the practical and intuitive aspects here, we are better able to make choices that support and expand us and our lives instead of inhibit and constrict it.

I’m leaving the home that I lived in with my parents, brother, and grandparents for the second time. The first time was to get married and start a new chapter in my life. This time, it’s with the understanding that I am the last woman in this branch of my lineage. It’s time to let Nana’s spaghetti pot go, it’s time to let the house that my mother loved go. It’s time for me to close the doors to the past and let my ancestors finally Rest In Peace. One small part of me is still carrying a little guilt…wondering if it was wrong of me to wish for sons instead of daughters, and the other part of me knows that this particular journey was written before I had a human body.

These thoughts are just some of what is going through my head during this process. Packing and moving can be stressful and scary, but it can be healing and loving if you let it. I’m choosing to let it heal some of my deeper wounds that still like to twinge just below the surface every once in a while to remind me that I am a human being…not just a teacher and healer.

Here’s to honoring the past with all its gifts and lessons while letting it all go at the same time. My wish for you is that each time you placed in a position where you are being asked to let go, you can do so with ease and understanding.

Much love and abundant blessings,


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Angelic Forecast for August 2012

We invite you to celebrate YOU this month.  We know we offered a similar message about July and many of you experienced major challenges…that is the point.  You experience a challenge, you move through it, and move on.  Celebrate the knowledge, wisdom, and experience you have acquired.  Celebrate your ability to find the treasure amongst the rubble.  As you continue this journey, you continue to shed more and more layers of unnecessary baggage.  The more layers you shed, the easier it is for you to not only shine the light of divinity that is within in you, but also to be able to recognize it within yourself.  That is what August is all about.  Discovering and accepting the light that is within your soul.  Recognizing the beauty that resides deep within you.  We are not speaking of physical beauty and you do not need to perform massive acts of kindness or heroism to bring to create it.  When you recognize and accept your inner treasure, you automatically shine brighter.  The brighter you shine, the more shadows are brought to light which can then be healed.  These can be your shadows, another’s, or even institutions such as businesses.  Please do not judge one’s light as being better or brighter than another’s.  Just as there are situations which require you to use a brighter light bulb for one experience and a dimmer for another, the world is made up varying lights.  Each has a unique purpose and no one is better than the other. 

 So this month, we ask that you recognize the lessons you were shown…even if you haven’t mastered them yet, the mere fact that you were shown a lesson means you are more aware than you were previously.  Every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow…celebrate it.  We’re also asking you to take notice of the areas of your life that could be celebrated more.  People who have had near death experiences or have healed from life threatening illnesses find ways to celebrate life every day.  We wonder why you humans need to go through those sorts of situations in order have a reason to celebrate life.  Why not simply celebrate that as a soul, you chose to incarnate on this plane at this time?  Isn’t that enough? 

 Allow yourself to feel your emotions whether they are harmonious or not…and celebrate the allowance.  Being able to feel is unique to those who are alive.  You have the freedom to choose to remain stuck and lost in disharmonious emotions or to transmute and heal them.  If you choose to remain stuck, celebrate your choice, because it is a choice only you can make.  If you choose to transmute and heal, celebrate that choice too.  Celebrate your freedom to choose, even if you don’t like the choices. 

 So again, we say, focus on the energy of celebration this month.  We are here for you, we hear you, we love you.  In our opinion (if we had an opinion) that’s reason enough to celebrate.   

With infinite love and joy,

~The Angels~

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Filed under angels, angles, celebration, fear, happines, healing, Inspiration, joy, Love, releasing fear, self improvement, Spirituality, Uncategorized